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1. In order to have the saddlestitcher you have to also have the SR5000 ($5,500)and then BK5000 SaddleStitch Unit ($7,360) for a total list price of $12,360. A little high if you just need to do booklets on the MP9000.

2. The BK5000 will only stack 30 finished booklets!!!!! Com on Ricoh, this is suppose to be a production unit?????

3. Needless to say, its my mistake I assumed the BK 5000 was similar to the saddlestitcher that was on the 2090 series machines, it is not and my current customer is upset to say the least.

For the life of me, I can't figure out why they have this limitation on a production unit! I would tend to think a 100 or 200 would have been in order here.

Maybe this is why this unit never took off in the Print4Pay industry!!! Angry
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Art...try looking into the Plockmatic finisher that is geared for production on the 9000/1100/1350. It's a little more expensive but engine speed doesn't slow down and it does not stack them. We have sold about 15 of these in our market here locally and customers love them. Great alternative if you need production booklet making.

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