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By David Thorne, Director of Channel Management, Print Audit

“How are you doing, <insert your own name hear>?” Yes, I know, I misspelled here.  So glad that you picked up on that because being perceptive, being prepared, and listening are keys to success in life and in business.  We were given 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason: Listening is really, really important.


My role at Print Audit is in Sales but I, like you, am also frequently a potential customer.  What am I listening for when you try to sell me something?  It’s not always the same thing. Sometimes I’m listening for things that can help me to resolve a problem and alleviate pain in my life.  At other times, I am listening for inspiration such as suggestions for a good movie to take my kids to on a Friday night.  My point is that my buying decisions (and those of my kids), aren’t always based on the same criteria. Only by listening carefully will you know how to sell to me effectively.

How can you improve your listening skills?  I’m sure you have lots of relationships outside of work to get some practice.  I’m hopeful that you listen to your kids and your spouse and even your neighbors.  When I was a teenager I had a hard time listening to my parents but the older I get the more that changes.  Wherever you learn how to listen in your personal life is transferable to the business world.  Sales is all about relationships and good relationships are based on good listening.


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