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There is a current IT security warning for Lexmark printers. Here you can find out which vulnerabilities are involved, which products are affected and what you can do.

The latest manufacturer recommendations regarding updates, workarounds and security patches for this vulnerability can be found here: Lexmark Security Advisories (Status: 03/12/2023). Other useful sources are listed later in this article.

Several vulnerabilities for Lexmark printers reported – risk: high

Risk level: 5 (high)
CVSS Base Score: 9,0
CVSS Temporal Score: 7,8
Remoteangriff: Ja

The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is used to assess the severity of vulnerabilities in computer systems. The CVSS standard makes it possible to compare potential or actual security gaps based on various metrics in order to create a priority list based on this for initiating countermeasures. The attributes “none”, “low”, “medium”, “high” and “critical” are used for the severity of a vulnerability. The base score assesses the prerequisites for an attack (including authentication, complexity, privileges, user interaction) and its consequences. With the temporal score, framework conditions that change over time are included in the evaluation. The severity of the vulnerability discussed here is rated as “high” according to the CVSS with a base score of 9.0.

Lexmark printer bug: Effects of an IT attack

Lexmark is a manufacturer of printers and printer supplies.

A remote, anonymous, or authenticated attacker could exploit multiple vulnerabilities in Lexmark printers to execute arbitrary code or escalate privileges

The vulnerabilities were classified using the CVE reference system (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) based on the individual serial numbers CVE-2023-26067, CVE-2023-26068, CVE-2023-26070, CVE-2023-26069, CVE-2023-26066, CVE-2023-26065, CVE-2023-26064 und CVE-2023-26063.

Systems affected by the vulnerability at a glance

operating system

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Lexmark Laser Printers (cpe:/h:lexmark:laser_printer)
Lexmark Multifunction Printer (cpe:/h:lexmark:multifunction_printer)

General measures for dealing with IT security gaps

  1. Users of the affected systems should keep them up to date. When security gaps become known, manufacturers are required to remedy them as quickly as possible by developing a patch or a workaround. If new security updates are available, install them promptly.

  2. For information, consult the sources listed in the next section. These often contain further information on the latest version of the software in question and the availability of security patches or tips on workarounds.

  3. If you have any further questions or are uncertain, please contact your responsible administrator. IT security officers should regularly check when the IT security warning affected manufacturers makes a new security update available.

Manufacturer information on updates, patches and workarounds

At this point there are further links with information about bug reports, security fixes and workarounds.

Lexmark Security Advisories vom 2023-03-12 (13.03.2023)
For more information, see: https://publications.lexmark.c...s/CVE-2023-26063.pdf

Lexmark Security Advisories vom 2023-03-12 (13.03.2023)
For more information, see: https://publications.lexmark.c...s/CVE-2023-26064.pdf

Lexmark Security Advisories vom 2023-03-12 (13.03.2023)
For more information, see: https://publications.lexmark.c...s/CVE-2023-26065.pdf

Lexmark Security Advisories vom 2023-03-12 (13.03.2023)
For more information, see: https://publications.lexmark.c...s/CVE-2023-26066.pdf

Lexmark Security Advisories vom 2023-03-12 (13.03.2023)
For more information, see: https://publications.lexmark.c...s/CVE-2023-26067.pdf

Lexmark Security Advisories vom 2023-03-12 (13.03.2023)
For more information, see: https://publications.lexmark.c...s/CVE-2023-26068.pdf

Lexmark Security Advisories vom 2023-03-12 (13.03.2023)
For more information, see: https://publications.lexmark.c...s/CVE-2023-26069.pdf

Lexmark Security Advisories vom 2023-03-12 (13.03.2023)
For more information, see: https://publications.lexmark.c...s/CVE-2023-26070.pdf

Version history of this security alert

This is the initial version of this IT security notice for Lexmark printers. As updates are announced, this text will be updated. You can understand the changes made using the following version history.

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