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Tagged With "Ghost"


8 Ridiculous Things You Tell Yourself When Your Prospect Stops Responding

Art Post ·
You know what I hate? Being ignored. I’m not talking about being ignored by a completely unknown prospect that I’ve cold called once. But I’m talking about when a hot prospect ghosts you. I’m sure this has happened to all salespeople. You have some good contact with a prospect, things are moving along according to plan, and then POOF, you never hear from them again. It’s this disappearing act that really bugs me. (And it happens even if you’re using an amazing self-writing CRM like Spiro .)...

4 Reasons Why Your Prospects Are Ghosting You & How to Stop It

Art Post ·
Once upon a time we were pitching Sony Pictures on a deal. We had an initial call that went well, we flew to LA, did a big demo – a lot of people were there and everything went great. We sent them a proposal, even flew out again to followup, but never ever heard a single word after that. A cool deal that we were totally stoked about went up in smoke. Ghosting is a frequent occupational hazard in sales – everything goes well with a client, you’re getting positive vibes, then they disappear...

4 Reasons Your Prospects “Ghost” on You and What You Can Do About

Art Post ·
Many moons ago, I was pitching a huge deal to Sony Pictures. It all was going according to plan -- we had a great initial call, flew to Los Angeles to demo the product, and nailed it. Things were looking good. We sent them a proposal, even flew out for a second in-person follow-up. And then … they dropped off the face of the Earth. A deal we thought we had in the bag all of a sudden hit the skids. I like to call this “ghosting” -- when a sales process is chugging along smoothly with a...

What to Do When Your Prospect Ghosts

Art Post ·
It happens all the time. You call a prospect at the scheduled time and the line rings and rings and rings. No answer. You send a short follow-up email to set up another call. Still nothing. You’ve made good on your promise to connect, but you’re being met with radio silence. So what’s a sales rep to do when the deal rests on a prospect’s responsiveness? What to Say to No-Show Clients and Prospects After a Missed Meeting Default to the idea that there are many reasons a prospect could have...


Art Post ·
With the economy changing I'm thinking we'll see more ghosting from both net new and current. Would love to share what we do to get a response from a client when you are ghosted.

Re: Ghosted

fisher ·
I've got one right now. Gave me the order. Postponed delivery twice. Now ghosting. Ghosting says more about the ghost than anything.

Re: Ghosted

Art Post ·
I'll start. Phone call; I'll leave a message stating "have I done something wrong" Email; I'll start a new subject line and change it to "I missed you". Not lying, do this after you get the VM and do leave a message

Re: Ghosted

Art Post ·
@fisher OMG, keep at it