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Tagged With "Roleplay"


Re: A Classic Way to Create a Sense of Urgency in Your Prospect [Roleplay]

Art Post ·
Ok, I get it, you bring out the pain in advance and have the customer tell you in advance what will happen if they don't act now. All of this is easier said than done.

A Classic Way to Create a Sense of Urgency in Your Prospect [Roleplay]

Art Post ·
Whether or not you participated, we all know that Black Friday creates a painful sense of urgency in consumers that those of us in the non-retail world battle with constantly. And while thousands urgently indulge in Cyber Monday, we cringe every time a prospect responds with, "Can you get back to me in a month?" It's very likely that your prospect forgets your name by the time you reach out a month later. At HubSpot, this lacking sense of urgency is the number one objection we face in the...