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Tagged With "Department"


Re: If I Were King of My Sales Department

tonyl ·
I am out of the office until 09/01/2014. I will respond to your message when I return. Note: This is an automated response to your message "Post By Art Post: If I Were King of My Sales Department" sent on 8/27/2014 12:21:48 AM. This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.

Re: If I Were King of My Sales Department

Larry Kirsch ·
Salesman vs. sales manager? Benefits and shortcomings of both.. Interesting exercise..

Re: If I Were King of My Sales Department

Art Post ·
Larry Thanx for the comment, hope you are doing well! Am I going to see you again this year at the Canatta Dinner?

Re: If I Were King of My Sales Department

BCarroll ·
Great post! 11. Assign a rep a topic (round robin) to present at the next weekly sales meeting. Rules- show the team a new selling feature / function / solution, present it as you would to a client, and keep it short ( 5 minutes max) & sweet. After presenting, stand and receive constructive criticism from the rest of the team. Keep it fun and informative- but don't take it the task lightly. This will improve product knowledge, research skills, and presentation skills.

Re: If I Were King of My Sales Department

Larry Kirsch ·
Hope so. Planning on being there.

Re: If I Were King of My Sales Department

Art Post ·
I like 11.!! I even like the rules better. Your thread also reminded me to add this. 12. Reps, especially new reps would be in charge of training their customers on how to use the system. At first, they would travel with the solutions engineer or (me) and watch them train the customer on how to print, copy and scan.

Re: If I Were King of My Sales Department

John Mooney ·
13.) I would ask my reps to tell me something what each ZBA in their 'top 20' actually do as a company. It's astounding how many "I don't know" I tend to hear.

Re: If I Were King of My Sales Department

Art Post ·
I like 13 too! But what is ZBA?
Blog Post

If I Were King of My Sales Department

Art Post ·
Since, I've had so much time in the trenches, I've seen many sales people, and sales managers come and go.  I understand that many Sales Managers are some times handicapped with what they can and can't do.  But, If I were King and I had...