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Reply to "Obsolete Equipment"

From: Graham Sent: 12/18/2002 8:14 AM
What we do, or TRY to do is stay in touch from an account rep. perspective with those customers on a regular basis, especially when the equipment is getting old. Our first and main approach is to set an appointment with the customer to get a feel for THEIR business and what they are doing NOW from a total imaging standpoint. We also let them know that we want to stop by and chat with them about the technology that is out there today. Most of these people know that they are going to be forced in to purchasing a new copier in the pretty near future anyway, and a majority don't want to admit it.
It is up to us to make it make sense to the customer to move ahead. We basiclly talk to the customer who really doesn't know what they are ready for and offer a document audit of sorts that encompases all of their imaging equipment, and the costs (including their labor) associated with their imaging needs so they will know what they are spending on all of their old and existing equipment vs. what they would spend new equipment and how what they have and new stuff can mesh together to increase their productivity. During this process we are really selling the solution rather than going out with the typical sales call that goes something like this... "So, we were wondering if you are thinking about upgrading your copier today", or "Looks like your lease is about to expire so we better talk about an upgrade" these approaches rarely work in today's market place. What this doc-audit does is gets us there, develops the relationship and keeps us in the door so when some slickster gets in there while their machine is down he doesn't get the deal. Also, the customer has an understanding that he is not getting robbed, this is just what his current stuff costs to maintain etc. Most all of the customers that we start this process with stay with us when it is time to buy, most don't even shop. If they DO shop, we usually get the last look at the deal before they pull the trigger. The customers that get put on the back burner, however, at times get called and it's already too late.

Hope this helps somewhat.