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Tagged With "ABC"


Re: Why I'm So Past Reading Sales Blogs on Linkedin

Art Post ·
TY for Liking Larry!

Re: Why I'm So Past Reading Sales Blogs on Linkedin

Dave Smith ·
Nicely said Art!

Re: Why I'm So Past Reading Sales Blogs on Linkedin

Art Post ·
TY Dave! Thanx for "liking"!

Re: Why I'm So Past Reading Sales Blogs on Linkedin

Kyocera Guy ·
I guess I will be the one who steps outside the box here and rock the boat a little. I'm not saying that this Blog is 100% correct but he has some good points. I am looking at my numbers from the year before...up 19% and thinking to myself what was the biggest change I made last year to get that kind of a bump. I made quite a few changes, I worked hard of course but I worked hard in 2015 too. One of the biggest changes I made that when interacting with my prospects I worked like I didn't...

Re: Why I'm So Past Reading Sales Blogs on Linkedin

Art Post ·
Kyocera Guy I appreciate the comment! Glad you rocked it with a 19% increase in revenue. I would rather read content from you and others that are actively selling rather from those that are either too far removed from sales or those that have never sold anything. Ty again for the comment!

Re: Why I'm So Past Reading Sales Blogs on Linkedin

While that blog has some valid points, much like Art, I'm more inclined to think "when's the last time that writer took off their headset and actually pushed some pavement or had a face to face meeting?". While there is something to be said about not hard closing all the time, it's got to be done but with some skill. In my nine years doing this, each sale is different in that there are some customer that want to be hard closed and others that have their own way of making a decision. One...
Blog Post

Why I'm So Past Reading Sales Blogs on Linkedin

Art Post ·
K, so I'm a fan of selling, whenever I come across a blog or an article about sales, I'm all in for learning something new. On Friday, I ran across this The Danger of Using Legacy Sales Techniques in 2017 . Personally, I'm sick and tired of reading sales/selling articles from people that don't have end user sales experience. Go ahead check out this persons LinkedIn bio here . I'll admit the bio is impressive and he seems to be a successful and great person, however where is the damn sales...

Re: European Managed Services & Hosting Summit 2018

Martin Hofman ·
Everybody visiting this Summit is more than welcome to also visit VZ Industries/Copier Solution Shop, just 10 miles away from Amsterdam! Great opportunity to see the production facility of the Copier Solutions and to meet the CSS team!
Blog Post

I'm Finding the Opportunities, but not Winning Competitive Deals

Art Post ·
The question below was emailed to me back in 2003 and I thought this would be a good review. "My pipeline is always 100,000k+ and I'm required to do 12-15 appointments per week. I'm finding the opportunities, but not winning competitive deals. (I have a small base list of 10 accounts)." Above was a statement that was emailed to me by a Print4Pay Hotel member in Canada this week. I thought this would make a good topic for this week to see if I can help. Okay, I'm thinking if you only have a...
Blog Post

Today's Hacked!

Art Post ·
10/5/2022 Staff at security firm G4S on alert after tax numbers and bank details posted online following hack .....It is one of at least three further data breaches to be disclosed in Australia this week after the massive Optus cyber hack . I hacked my PS5.... | MVG - YouTube ......The PlayStation PS5 has been hacked thanks to a PS5 Kernel exploit + Webkit vulnerability for Firmware 4.03. I have an old exploitable PS5 so i ... Houston city website possibly hacked with mail-order bride posts...

Signs of recession?

Art Post ·
Signs of recession? ABC News reporting on economy Consumer prices up 3% during last month YoY Bread up 11.5% Cookies up 8.8% Beer up 5.4% Frozen vegetables up to 17% Canned fruit up 8% Fresh fruits and vegetables up 1.1% Women’s underwear and swimwear up 7% Men’s underwear up 4% Jewelry up 7% Apparel up 3.1% Pet food up 12% Tools up 9% Outdoor equipment up 9% Bloomberg News reported on growing debt “More than $500 billion storm of corporate-debt distress that is already starting to make...