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Top 5 Benefits of Managed IT Services

Most focus will be on funding, recruiting, marketing and the excitement of building something new. Other, more-mature companies may have started off using their own equipment and added to it over time but have now left themselves with an unwieldy mess of semi-compatible, technology products. More-thoughtful companies may have made a big investment in the latest infrastructure only to find that it all needs replacing just a few year's later and they need to address another huge capital expense all over again (the C-Suite hates this). The solution to all of these issues (and more) is to embrace Managed IT Services.

What are Managed IT Services?

Managed IT services are those provided by outsourced, third-party companies who install, manage and maintain an organisation’s technology infrastructure. They include the leasing, set-up, maintenance and support of computers, networks, storage and security operations. Financially it involves a move from CapEx to an OpEx payment model.

What are the main benefits of Managed IT Services?

There are many benefits for companies of all sizes to embrace managed IT services but some of the most important concern the following:

1. Moving from CapEx to OpEx

Few company directors like forking out huge sums of money on infrastructure but fewer still like having to do it all over again a few years later. Paying for managed IT services typically means technology is leased for set periods. This means workers' laptops automatically get refreshed every few years, servers and network infrastructure will be upgraded as needed and massive one-off payments become a thing of the past. Companies of all sizes appreciate the opportunity to spread technology payments over a year(s) rather than budget for one massive bill. more here

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