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Reply to "Thoughts about Healthcare Reform Bill?"

Originally posted by Old Glory:
I can't beleive you are doing this. First of all, the example was theirs not mine but truthfully, I DON'T CARE what value is set. I care that the government feels they have a right to set that number at whatever. Doesn't that bother you. If it were your child, would you be OK with a government bureaucrat telling you that your child's treatment is denied because it is too expensive?

There has to be limitations. The question you need to ask is who is creating the limitations? Do you think your insurance company will pay for everything (try reading the exclusions section of your policy)? We are represented by members of our government. We are not represented by our health care company. The major problem in America is that so many people are underinsured. Most middle class Americans are insured through their employers. They have one choice, and they do not have a representative in that particular health insurance company looking out for their needs. Do you think they can afford to go find private insurance on their own? Premiums and co-pays are rising to the point the average person cannot afford a hospital visit. Their health deteriorates until they have to go. Next thing that happens is another bankruptcy. The public option simply gives people another option, as opposed to filing bankruptcy due to medical bills. Do you think avoiding countless bankruptcies may help the economy? Middle class people are the consumers, the driving force of this economy. If they spend less on health care they will have more to spend on consumer goods, which spurs the economy. Seriously, what is wrong with giving less fortunate people an option??? Where is your heart? Is the extra money you spend on gas for your boat and a double tall latte more important than another person's life?