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Reply to "Dealer Demo Rooms"

Gees, sorry I didn't see this. My dealership is one of those that out of 12 units only 3 are a current model. In the last 12 months, I've probably done 6 demo's in house and 3 onsite. I would have done more however I'm not going to fight with management about getting a demo unit. If I don't have a demo for a new model they will not get one.

Training/classroom, naw the systems just sit there for us.

Incentives: I'm always big on those, but incentives may not solve the problem, the larger problem maybe is that a lot of dealers are doing intial training with new reps on machines, however they are not letting the reps do the onsite training after the system is sold. Thus reps are selling systems and really have no clue how to demo or feel comfortable scheduling a demo because they are not literate with performing a demonstration.

I beleive we need to get back to the basics with demonstrations, but if the owners of the dealerships continue with not requiring reps to do the key op training, then do a demo for a copier may become a lost art in our industry!

You've got to convince the dealer owner that having reps do the keyop training will lead to more add on sales and produce more knowledgable sales people, thus the more knowledgable they are the more they will sell.

Hope this helps!