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Silicon Valley, California (PRWEB) March 10, 2014


Volotea is one of the most promising European airlines. With 114 routes throughout the continent, in 2012, only one year after its creation, it was touted by Airline News and Analysis as being the airline with the greatest growth in Europe.

As an air operator, Voltea has to guarantee adequate training and training surveillance for its flight staff. To do this, the company has the practice of conducting frequent audits of courses that have been held. These audits don’t just control the courses that are held; audits also guarantee that the courses are valid. Manual control of course documents is a labour-intensive task that takes up too much time and too many resources.


These were the reasons why the company decided to look for a document management application which would allow them to automate control over course documentation for flight staff. They chose Athento’s Smart Document Management because, in addition to the traditional function of document management, it offered them: 

  •     Processing of reports generated by the Airline Information Management System (AIMS), to monitor the validity of the courses.
  •     A system of alerts which advises staff if documentation is missing or out of date.
  •     A Google-type contextual search engine which allows users to combine search parameters, in order to access documents quickly.
  •     Visualization of documents through profiles. In this case, it’s possible to quickly consult what documentation is in the system for each member of the cabin staff.


For JosÉ Luis de la Rosa, the CEO of Yerbabuena Software and one of the minds behind the development of Athento, “It’s a privilege to work with businesses like Volotea and know that Athento doesn’t just manage documents: thanks to its intelligence, businesses have the ability to automate processes and make them more efficient.”


With Athento, Volotea has achieved increases in control over documentation for flight crew instruction; made the auditing process easier; and created one sole document repository for the management of its documents. Details about the Volotea project can be downloaded from the Athento web page.

About Athento: 
Athento Smart Document Management incorporates leading-edge technology such as Machine Learning, Semantics and Image Processing to automate processes related to work on documents. Athento helps businesses automate processes related to the capture, management, storage and delivery of documents. With Athento, a company can get the traditional functionality offered by a document management system, as well as all the functionality of a capture system; and, with modules, also cover needs of delivery, storage and BPM. For businesses, this means a significant reduction of costs and a global document management system that’s robust and integrated within their IT systems.


Athento is used by businesses such as the DIA Group and Leroy Merlin.

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