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Prepare an opening statement for your cold call.

This lets you organize your thoughts before cold calling, and helps you avoid common mistakes in the cold call opening that would give the person you're calling the chance to terminate the conversation. For instance, you should never ask, "Is this a good time to talk?" or "How are you today?" Don't read your opening statement into the phone, but use it as a framework to get the conversation off to a good start.
Don’t try to sell the Operator: be polite yet respectfully persistent while finding who the right person to speak with is.
Get an internal transfer: the number will come through as an internal transfer and the person will pick up.
Offer to call back: ask when is convenient for them.
Random names: type in a couple of letters, wait for the system to come back; the system will supply other names and their extensions.
Department directories: listen for all menu choices as other departments provide additional points of entry -- perhaps they might need a solution from your company.
Best times to call: before or after their ‘gatekeeper’ arrives/leaves - execs will pick up their own phone after hours. Or try them on the hour in between meetings.
Make note of the time you were able to reach the person: typically you can reach them again at the same time.
Change the digits: people in the same department have similar extensions; change 1 or 2 of the digits and ask to be referred or for the correct extension.
Get the main number: use the Internet to find other numbers of points of entry.
Make an error in the extension: ‘I was trying to reach x, maybe you can help me, is Tina within eyesight?’ People like to help each other.
Listen to complete message for additional choices, names and numbers.
Build rapport more quickly by teaching yourself to regulate your voice to gently match theirs.
Practice: call yourself and leave a message. How do you sound? Practice until your voice sounds smooth and melodic. Remember people cannot see you they can only hear your voice.
Use your headset: open your mouth wide and carefully pronounce every word. Do not hold the phone on your shoulder as this tenses your throat and makes you talk from one side of your mouth.
Feedback, Feedback, Feedback.

How is it that some people get better prices for the same products? Feedback. The higher your feedback the better prices you will command. You have to be faithful in posting feedback and ask your customers to post feedback for you. If you don't ask, it won't happen.
Call at the right times.

Certain times of the day are more active than others. 6-8 AM, 11-Noon, 5-7 PM, 8-11 PM weekdays--EXCEPT FRIDAY EVENINGS, Saturday mornings and nights, Sunday Noon-10 PM are good times. 12pm-3pm weekdays are nearly dead. Telemarket at the right times of the day to get to the Decision Maker.

When planning your marketing, don't forget to double-back and "re-market" to the customers who have already purchased products.
For instance, at the end of the month, email all of the customers who placed orders with your company. In the email, thank them for their business and inquire if they were happy about what they purchased from your company. Also, ask them how they would rate your customer service. You will be amazed at the response.
Not only do you begin a dialogue with your customers, but you will obtain some valuable constructive comments about your products and services. Many customers will write with suggestions about how to improve existing products and with ideas on new products to consider. This is a goldmine of information.
Your email will also have a positive impact on your customer. He or she will be thrilled that you took the time to show your interest and appreciation. Think about it: It is indeed very rare when anyone takes the time to ask for your feedback and to pointedly say "thank you." In the era of the "big-box" stores that have taken over the retail landscape, a sincere "thank you" is almost non-existent.
For those customers who do respond, we send a final follow-up email thanking them for the feedback and requesting that they share your website address with family and friends. Most of them will respond that they will do so. Presto! You have a personal dialogue going with that customer.
Best of all, this only takes a matter of minutes and a little staff time. It costs next to nothing and yet the benefits are enormous.
Just a few words of advice about your email correspondence. Keep your messages brief and to the point -- write only a few short paragraphs.
Your writing style should be upbeat, but professional. Don't sprinkle your copy full of exclamation marks as this has a tendency to look phony! Rather, use strong transitions, dashes, interesting adjectives and crisp writing. Be sure to include all your contact information and a direct hot link to your site.
Consider a closing signature that includes all of the appropriate contact information, and a one-line company description. The idea is to make it as easy as possible for everyone. Following is a sample:
Candace Allen
Puppies and Dogs Galore
"Gifts and Information for Your Dogs and Puppies, Since 1997"
3467 Sherman Way, Calabasas CA 91276
Ask a friend or two to read your email correspondence to get their constructive advice.
Make sure that you proof your writing carefully as customers will be turned off by poor grammar or spelling errors. Also, keep track of your messages. If you don't, you may end up sending double emails and this will be annoying to the recipients.
Here is an idea about how to use the information that a customer sends you.
If a customer writes you a glowing review of your product and services, then you should consider asking the person if you could quote them on your website. You can create a "Customer Testimonials" page for all of this feedback. Just use first names and the customer location. For example:
"I've shopped at your site for years and love the personalized online service. When I have a question, your staff always contacts me promptly with an answer. Your products are the best and I always feel like a valued customer."
Fairview, Indiana
Wow, what a fantastic endorsement! This deserves to be featured on your site, so don't be shy about asking.

There is so much information that you can email, but the messages should be targeted to the right audience. Consequently, you will need to develop numerous email lists.
You will certainly have a "personal" email list with a mixture of family, friends, former co-workers, networking pals and social acquaintances. You can send these people newsy emails about your business.
For instance, if your local paper or a trade publication publishes a story about your company, it is the perfect opportunity for you to send an upbeat email to this personal list. Tell everyone briefly about the story, how the person could get a copy of the publication (or better yet, attach a copy) and what it means for your company.
Basically, this email is a chance to toot your own horn and remind everyone that you have a small business and need their support. Include all of your contact information as noted previously. The key is to keep the message informative and short.
At the end of your email include a closer paragraph that says something like, "You can help me spread the good news about my company by forwarding this email message to five or 10 people who would be interested in our puppy and dog product line. I'm sure that you know many people who are canine lovers. Please do this favor for me today."
You don't have to have a story published about you or your company to write this type of email. How about using a milestone as the subject matter -- perhaps you are celebrating your first year in business or the first half-year. Maybe you just made some significant changes to your website or will be showing your products at an expo, convention or show. Whatever the news, share it.
See what happens when you ask everyone you know to forward it to five or ten people (or more). You will soon get the power of email working for you.
Everyone is inundated with so much information each day that you must keep your emails short and to the point. Use humor whenever possible, but avoid going "over the top" or you will lose your audience. Write in an interesting, crisp and professional manner. Make sure that your email has a purpose and that you know what you would like in return from the recipients.
If someone asks to be removed from one of your email lists then do so quickly with no questions asked.

Your email marketing will work best if you have a written plan. This will force you to really think about your email goals and objectives, and the planning will show through to your customers and potential customers.

Have some fun and be creative about how to use email.

Talk to others who run their own businesses to see what has worked for them. Test the waters by writing a plan and then doing several emails to each of your email groups. Gauge reactions and make any changes that will help you be more effective. What are you waiting for....start writing those emails!
Ask Why?

People have all sorts of reasons for not buying or giving an objection, and you shouldn't take "no" personally. The more you can put your ego aside and gracefully accept the refusal, the more you learn from the experience. So, assume for the time being that you've been turned down and your business with this person is done. Make it clear that you've accepted the reply. If you're no longer trying to sell him, you and the buyer will be in a more neutral territory, and you'll have easier time getting information that will help you. Begin by saying that you appreciate the time he's given you and ask if he would be willing to take just a few more minutes to talk about why he isn't interested. Explain that the information will be helpful to you in your job and you'd be thankful for the feedback.
You might not get a straight answer initially, because people are often uncomfortable with having said no and want to get out of the situation as soon as possible. They're likely to offer a pat answer about price or prior loyalty, but if you probe a bit you might find your way to a more substantial reply
"They're likely to offer a pat answer about price or prior loyalty, but if you probe a bit you might find your way to a more substantial reply"
Art Post

You know Art, the answer, I think, is likely in the last sentence of your sales tip. Far too many reps don't "peel the onion". Pat questions that receive pat answers to put together a pat proposal.

Einstein once said that the definition of insanity...
doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
And yet most reps do exactly that
Tips to Help Your Telemarketing Campaign

The first few seconds are crucial
Just like you would when writing a sales letter or press release, you should fill the first few seconds with as many key words and phrases as possible to gain an immediate interest from the customer.

You may only get a chance to get out two or three sentences before the customer stops you to say they have no interest, so make them count.

Don't assume they need something - this is very off putting. Instead, ask the question and explain how you can help.

However you start your telemarketing call, be sure that it will get their attention and interest as quickly as possible: letting the phone call drag is wasting their time and especially yours.
tell them who you are, what you do, give a value statement (WIIFM), ask for appt. and give them a way out if they don't want to take the next step.

Good morning Mr/Mrs/Ms CFO, my name is Neal Petermann and I specialize in working with Chief Financial Officers, helping them to evaluate and contain costs associated with the producing and managing of documents. I recently help Mr. CFO with XYZ and was able to help them reduce costs for producing documents by 35% while at the same time improving work flow productivity by 60%.
I'd like to meet with you, share with you some industry trends and talk to you more of how I believe I can help XYZ company achieve similar results. Ourinitial appt. will last only 30 minutes and if after that time you find enough value in what I've presented to take the next step, great! If not, that's fine too, we'll simply shake hands and perhaps partner inthe future.
I am currently setting my schedule for (2 weeks in advance) would this day and time be good for you?

my 2cents worth
Rules of thumb...sell nothing but the need for an appointment on a phone call or initial call.

Also never "sell" during your fact-finding for several reasons:
1.) The fact-finding process gets interrupted or stopped.
2.) You come across like a dog salivating over fresh meat.
3.) You tip your hand and lose some of the thunder you will get from your proposal.
4.) You inspire additional questions and thought processes that the prospect will then discuss with competitors.
5.) You may be "selling" based on the wrong conclusion. Try to resist making proposal decisions until the fact-finding is over and you have had a chance to think things through.
6.) Oftentimes, the perceived need is only a small part of a much larger problem that may only become clear (to you and the prospect) after complete fact-finding.
Don't Go Blank - Use Notes

Stick notes to your desk, phone or wall to help 'jog' your memory for persuasive words, phrases, discussion areas, etc. There is nothing worse than pausing to collect your thoughts and comments when trying to sell over the phone: be ready to reply to anything.
Avoid Insulting the Customer
Obvious, right? Well, people do it without even realizing by using comments like "did you understand that?" and "are you following what I'm saying?". This automatically shrinks the customers' intelligence and ability to catch on. It is down to your own ability to make the customer understand and therefore if you feel the customer is failing to do so, use comments such as "did I explain that clearly" and so on.
Avoid Insulting the Customer

Obvious, right? Well, people do it without even realizing by using comments like "did you understand that?" and "are you following what I'm saying?". This automatically shrinks the customers' intelligence and ability to catch on. It is down to your own ability to make the customer understand and therefore if you feel the customer is failing to do so, use comments such as "did I explain that clearly" and so on.

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