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Though I would borrow this from Jeffery Gitomer

Going up? More than 10 Floors? I challenge you to try to get a business card or lead on your next elevator trip.

Thousands of people take the elevator every day... usally in dead silence. Comapny presidents and salespeople in the same elevator and no one is speaking! That's no fun. I have taken a new approach to elevator riding. I try to meet someone new and get a card or a lead every time I go up or down (and there's someone else in the car).

Here's how it works...

  • I watch who enters or see who is on when I enter. I try to select the best prospect from among the passengers. If there's only one other passenger the choice becomes infinetly clear.
  • I immediatly engage him/her with a statement or question - usually humorous.
  • If they laugh or smile, I say, "What do you do?" That is the operative line in this process. With four words you have struck the target in the bull's eye. It's quick, to the point, and non threatening.
  • They will immediately tell you what they do. (People love to talk about the subject that interests them the most - themselves.)
  • If they seem to be a prospect, you close with "give me your business card and I'll send you some information I think you can use."
  • He/she gives you the card before the door opens , and you win the game!
  • Give him/her your card. Shale hands firmly.
  • Follow up within 24 hours.

    Your opening line of the follow call is easy. "I'm the guy in the elevator. I finally got off and thought I would give you a call" and both of you will laugh.
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