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Storing data from your I.T. network is something that is often just taken for granted.  After all, what is the purpose of the systems we all use at work?  Is it not to produce and manage information that is constantly flowing between internal and external contacts.  Whether it is 7 Considerations When Storing Your IT Data resized 600customer data, supplier data, marketing material, product reference material or internal employee data this material is the substance of what makes a business tick and run smoothly.


Losing access to this data quickly becomes a nightmare which has cost businesses hundreds of thousands of dollars each year.  Think what would happen to your business if your accounting data including all your pricing, receivables, payables and inventory got irrepairably lost.


So data is an important part of your business and the safe management of its storage is an important part of your I.T. network strategy.

  1. Make sure you consider all of your critical and important data.  The biggest mistake that businesses make is to forget about the data that is stored on individual employees hard drives.  Some companies attack this by having employees use shared hard drives on a file server to store their important data.  A great solution but it does ignor the data which is stored when people use separate folders on their workstations or laptops.  Consider what is being done here and put a strategy in place either to backup data files from the workstations or put strict storage rules in place forcing use of data locations being backed up daily.  read more here

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