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June 2022

Xerox CEO John Visentin dies at 59

Printer maker Xerox Holdings Corp said on Wednesday Chief Executive Officer John Visentin, 59, has died due to complications from an ongoing illness.

Xerox (XRX) called Visentin’s death unexpected and said it has named Steve Bandrowczak, president and chief operations officer, as interim CEO.

Visentin, who was also the vice chairman, joined Xerox as its CEO in May 2018 after he was nominated by Carl Icahn. The activist investor’s firm is the biggest shareholder of the company, according to Refinitiv data.

Prior to that, Visentin had been hired as a consultant by Icahn to assist in his campaign against Xerox, when he pushed the company to explore strategic alternatives.

Visentin was also at the helm of the company when it failed at its $35 billion hostile takeover attempt of HP Inc, a merger which Icahn had pushed for in 2020.

In the same year, Xerox, which has been facing a slowdown in demand as businesses cut down on printing their paperwork, laid out a three-year cost-cutting plan under Visentin.

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Managed Print Services Reduces Costs & Problems for Remote Offices

Remote transition from office to home (or remote office) has evolved rapidly over the last year. According to Buffer research, almost 98% of people surveyed shared that they would prefer to work remotely, at least part of the time, over the remainder of their career. And if employers are going to keep employees, they will need to focus on fitting a new demand to prevent losing those they do manage to entice into the fold.

Managed print services are a go-to way of ensuring workers are comfortable working away from the office while companies continue to run as usual with no imminent challenges. They provide efficiency, and productivity, and are able to provide information security while managing the organization’s printing needs.

Print Services Can Consolidate Costs and Improve Security.

how to secure remote printers

Regular consumer printers can expose businesses to the potential risks of cybercrime. Unsecured ports and consumer wi-fi connections can offer criminals tempting backroads into a company’s servers. Even less nefarious hackers can pull potentially sensitive data from the average printer’s hard drive. Managed print services providers have the expertise and technology to identify the printer security threats a company faces – and implement measures to mitigate those risks efficiently and effectively.

Some of the options print service providers recommend include printer password logins or scheduled hard drive wiping. But the best option is to ensure each remote workspace is using a networked printer for all of their business-related printing needs. When properly monitored and serviced, these networked machines will provide a wealth of additional security to prevent threats

But it’s not only security that benefits from partnering with a managed print services provider. Most of these expert office printer businesses can help consolidate the expenses of hardware and maintenance, as well. By bundling the entirety of printing services into a single monthly payment, the worry of upfront capital expenditures is eliminated. And, rather than being concerned about ongoing service and maintenance fees, many of these printing partners include typical maintenance and parts in their monthly plans. The result is an easy-to-predict monthly cost.

Managed Print Services Can Help With Employee Retention

According to research by Marketplace,org organizations are facing difficulties hiring (and keeping) workers. Many workers quit their jobs because of low pay. And it is hard to replace them. Employers can help address this problem by giving workers quality standard working environments and other possible benefits that would streamline work communications.

Multi-functional managed print services are part of providing employee comfort by providing fast, efficient, modern equipment for printing, scanning, and other selected printer functions. But it goes beyond what the hardware itself can provide. Managed print services partners also offer easy-to-access customer service, troubleshooting, and service to remote workers – without the need to wait on or trouble their companies already busy IT department.

Managed Print Services Know how to Handle More Locations

Many business offices would rely on the IT department to manage on-site printers for the company. Allowing staff to address minor fixes and updates could, in some instances, save time and money. The same is not true in the new remote work environment.

Managed print services have experience and expertise in providing service to multiple offices within a specific area. And, in addition to their capabilities of maintenance to more than one location, many of these businesses load specialized performance monitoring software configurations onto each of the machines for which they are responsible. This software provides insights into individual machine usage and errors that allow the print service provider to keep printers running better through increased response times and faster analysis when things go wrong.

Businesses who work with an expert printer services business can save on time and money while reducing employee frustrations (both in-house and remote). The result is an increase in the business productivity without the need for accountants or anyone else to gain experience in IT and troubleshooting. And, with built-in security measures, partnering businesses can relieve the stress of many printer-related threats. For business working to fit the needs of employees in this rapidly changing office environment, managed print services are a fast and effective way to tackle business needs.

On Vacation For Quite a Few Days

Taking some time off, I need to recharge and get my head straight for the final six months of 2022.  I find that the first week of the first quarter is best.  Imagine that, every year this coincides with the 4th of July!

-=Good Selling=-

The Last Day and the First Day of My..........Quarter

Pretty cool date today.  The last day before vacation, the first day of the new quarter and my first order for new quarter would be a great start the last day of vacation and the first day of the quarter, right?

My first appointment I thought would be  wishy washy as best with an existing account.  Seems there was an new Chief IT director with my account. I had the ominous email a week to ten days ago asking for all sorts of info on their copiers. When I get that type of email it's usually not one of those great appointment.

Rather than conducting the meeting first and then organizing the date for the client.  I opted to organize all of the data points that they required in a spreadsheet aka dashboard and then scheduled the virtual meeting. I wanted to be ready because many of these appointments can blow up and I wanted to get this done quickly since I had things to fry before my vacation.  Thirty minutes before the start of the virtual meeting I emailed the spreadsheet aka dashboard of the 12 devices with our fleet.

The Meeting

I wasn't ready for the immediate response when the client thanked me for the following.

  • Answering his email to schedule a review of their devices
  • Scheduling a meeting to review the fleet of devices within a week
  • Emailing the dashboard of device with lease start, lease end, monthly payment, device #ID, model number term of lease, lease term date, cost per page for black and color, along with last billing for cycle with pricing

My client explained that this he was rather new with the company and there are two fleets from different vendors (one of them me) and he needed to get a handle on all of the devices as soon as possible to he could get his plan in place.

My client then told me that the other vendor is for a Canon fleet and he's still waiting for someone to call or email him back after two weeks. I could tell he was impressed with the response and the how detailed the information was.

I'll take a trip back to the ominous email because in most cases I've been on the end that is told that changes are being made.  That was my gut, however I did the work because that's my job.  We need to do the work from start to finish even if the outcome is not what we wanted.

After the review, my client picked out one of the locations that had two devices and a pretty hefty volume with both leases terming in the next 3-10 months.  It went something like this, "he's what I want, I want redundancy at all of my locations  so let's start with this one. Where I have the one 60 ppm color, give me two 50ppm color MFPs and while we're at it also replaced the 30 ppm color as well."

Well, that was stunning, and also a nice bonus to happen the first day of the new quarter and the last day before my vacation. It's a verbal and I know that verbals are not set in stone, but I got him all the docs that he needs in order to move forward when he hits the office in the AM tomorrow.

-=Good Selling=-

Sales Professionals Make Self-Reflection A Habit, Not Deflection… What About You?

Self-reflection entails asking yourself questions about your values, assessing your strengths and failures, thinking about your perceptions and interactions with others, and imagining where you want to take your life in the future.”
Robert L. Rosen

What are your values?

What are your strengths?

How do you want to be perceived?

The nature of sales often creates mental turmoil (self-induced at times), craziness and chaos; creating a way to level-set and refocus on what’s important is valuable.

Being able to set aside alone time regularly through self-reflection becomes a powerful technique to help you be more successful.

Let me ask you a question, how far and how much have you grown in your sales life?

Now think about this quote by Michel de Montaigne

"If I speak of myself in different ways, that is because I look at myself in different ways."

Please take a moment, grab a cup of coffee, sit down, and reflect... go back 5 years ago and then push yourself to the present...

  • Are you reaching greater heights in your sales life, now?
  • Have you achieved most of your sales goals, now?
  • Do you feel extremely fulfilled with your sales life, now?
If you want to live a better sales life, you must learn to grow.

Success in sales does not come overnight. It is achieved through daily improvement in small consistent increments over time.

In Selling from the Heart, I write about the many differences between sales professionals and sales reps. You see, sales professionals do the work that many sales reps find excuses not to do.

A true sales professional doesn't sleepwalk through the day nor their career. They work harder on themselves than any sales manager ever will.

Sales professionals actively think about the things they do. They objectively evaluate themselves on a regular basis. They look at things through an unbiased and clear set of lenses.

Elite sales professionals do more self-reflection as opposed to deflection.

Self-reflection, some of you may be thinking... Serious, come on.

Simply look at self-reflection as a mindfulness technique. This is where you place yourself in a quiet place and state of mind to recall events or experiences from the past, observe your current state, and then envision the future you want to create.

What concerns me is how many, especially in sales, do not allow themselves to pause and reflect on where they are and where they want to be.

And in doing so, this eventually leads to:

  • Failing to look for opportunities to improve
  • Lackluster feelings and burning out
  • High levels of stress and emotional gymnastics
  • Lower levels of excitement for a better future

How can you perform at high levels month in and month out or year over year, if you struggle to become your best self?


Socrates famously said,

“The unexamined life is not worth living.”

Self-reflection and looking inward is not an easy thing to practice. All of us live in a fast-paced, hyper-connected world.

Our mobile phones are constantly buzzing, social media is constantly vying for our attention, and Netflix always has something new to binge on.

Taking the time for reflection and inward thinking is tough. Most of us, unfortunately, are living unexamined lives.

The self-reflection journey to sales betterment starts with understanding who you are at your core. It is becoming more in tune with your deeper self. It is the ability to recognize what fires you up, what makes you happy or sad.

As a sales society, we’re largely fixated on the outer work. We focus on the stack rankings, where we are at quarter or year to date, key performance indicators, and number of new clients... starting to the get the picture?

Take a step back and realize that these are merely outer symbols. This does not reflect your inner world.

The key to sales happiness lies in transforming yourself and your career through the inner work.

When you truly understand who you are, you can make the conscious effort to improve yourself and how you communicate better with others.

  • How do you deal with your emotions?
  • How do you react when your sales life goes astray?
  • What areas do you need to work on in your personal growth and development?
Do you have the courage to dig in and ask yourself deep questions?


Self-reflection and the quietening of your mind allows you to look inward, helping to rediscover and redefine you.

At this very moment...

  • What makes your heart sing?
  • How would you define yourself?

I encourage you to become your own Sherlock Holmes. Become interested in what grabs your attention and tugs on your heartstrings.

Stop looking in the dictionary for words that define you.

Getting to know yourself allows you to tap into the road of happiness as this is critical to your success as a sales professional. Your beliefs, your attitude and your daily routines are mission critical.

Understanding yourself can mean recognizing your shortcomings. It's about putting them on display for others to judge.

Yes, this means getting extremely vulnerable. This starts with looking in the mirror and saying to yourself, "This is me. This is the real me. This is who I am."

If you struggle to ask yourself deep questions, then you will struggle to ask your clients deep questions?

Again, elite sales professionals do more self-reflection as opposed to deflection.


I encourage you to start becoming comfortable with self-reflection.

This will require ferocious self-honesty, self-discipline and massive action.

I encourage you to think about this one...

How can you become ferociously self-honest if you struggle to deal with any discomfort in your sales life?

Those of you who are willing to take risks, step out of your comfort zone and create some discomfort, will reap the biggest rewards.

What questions will you ask yourself daily?

The questions you ask yourself affect the sales life you lead. The questions you ask yourself will determine what your mind focuses on, which triggers certain thoughts, actions, and inactions, ultimately affecting your sales results.

Here are a few questions to help you on your self-reflection journey:

  • What is currently working well for me? What can I appreciate and be grateful for?
  • What have I recently learned that I can apply into my life and my sales life?
  • What is the most important thing for me to focus on right now? Why is it important?

Imagine what could happen when you ask yourself empowering, deeply reflective questions?

This all starts to shift your mind to a whole new level and sets into motion the thinking and actions to jumpstart your sales life.

When we fail to reflect, we lose perspective, get caught up in things that don’t matter, and often lose sight of the things that are most important.

Do not live an unexamined life. Practice self-reflection.

When you deflect and not reflect, you lose out the rewards that soon follows.
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Would you like to increase your sales success and fulfillment?

This was my goal when recording all-new materials for the new Selling from the Heart Masterclass, to increasing your sales success and fulfillment in your business.

If you enjoyed the Selling from the Heart book, you’re going to love this masterclass! It takes the tools given to the next level.

Have yet to read Selling from the Heart? No worries, you will receive an audio version as a part of the Masterclass. As an option you can get a free signed copy of Selling from the Heart (just pay for shipping and handling).

You can get your copy here -

Together, we will go on a journey where we’ll dive into how to apply the ideas in the book to help you achieve even greater sales success.

With each of the 10 sessions, you’ll receive questions that will help you increase your sales in a way that also makes selling more enjoyable and fulfilling.

This masterclass is configured with you in mind where you can complete the course in chunks from any mobile device, iPad or computer, based on your availability.

You’ll also discover fun bonus materials throughout the course.

