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Print4Pay Hotel Updates Coming Tomorrow

We've got a bunch of improvements our site coming your way via the Digest Release (scheduled to roll out sometime tomorrow, September 3rd).

The main focus is on streamlining and improving the notification system - making it easier for our community members to manage their notifications and making the system more turnkey in general. 

Let's get into it!

The "What's New" Digest

This brand new weekly or daily email digest summarizes new and trending posts on our site, as well as upcoming events and content by people you are following. It's a snapshot of content activity for the given time period that is designed to keep your community members coming back.   It includes all content types.  We send the emails based on each member's time zone, so that they always receive it in the morning.

All new members are subscribed to this digest by default. By default, it is sent weekly, but each member may opt for daily (or turn it off entirely) in their own settings.

Digest Mode

Importantly, though, the new "What's New" email is only supported if your is set up in "Digest Mode". 

We added a few new notification settings, as well, for Digest Mode, including the ability to be notified about ALL new posts to our site (for those that want instant notifications about everything).


If you like something I've posted please feel free to click the "like" button!

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