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sales call commandments

Learning how to make sales calls like a pro takes patience, persistence, and practice. Even the most seasoned sales professionals can still struggle from time to time on the phone.

If you want to succeed in sales, not only should you use Spiro, an AI-powered CRM to help you know who to call, but you also need to know what to do and say once you get them on the line.

Here are the 10 Sales Call Commandments you must obey:

1. Know Who You Are Calling

If you are going to attempt to sell your product to a person, or their company, you need to make sure you are contacting the right person. Find the contact who is in the proper position to make the purchase. It is a waste of time trying to sell something that may be totally irrelevant to the person you are calling. With resources like LinkedIn, a little background research can be easily done to make sure you are reaching out to the correct person in the first place.

2. Perform Company Research

How can you possibly offer a real solution to a buyer without understanding their business? You can’t. And you are unprepared if you call without researching the company’s website, at the very least. Make contact armed with an understanding of their business, their competition, potential pain points and how you can offer a solution." rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">read the rest here

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