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The Impact of Value Alignment on Sales Revenue.

"When values, thoughts, feelings, and actions are in alignment, a person becomes focused and character is strengthened."
John C. Maxwell

When everything internally aligns harmoniously, your values, thoughts, feelings, and actions; this soon creates powerful synergy.

This alignment cultivates clarity, purpose, and integrity, leading to strengthened character.

It's likened to the gears in a well-oiled machine working seamlessly together, enabling you to navigate life with resilience and authenticity.

As we start thinking about value alignment...

How much value are you creating for your clients and future clients to help grow their business and your sales?

All too often, I hear salespeople, sales leaders and those in executive management sing praise to the importance of creating value for their clients and future clients.

This just begs the question, what's the value you're creating?

Think about your clients, can they describe and with conviction share the value that you've been bringing to them?

I got you thinking, don't I?

You see, inside this wonderful profession called sales, creating meaningful and well-define value irrefutably has a direct impact to your sales revenue.

However, in order to build meaningful value, how many of you know the true meaning of value? Why is this so important?

Know thy value, know thy worth.

Merriam-Webster defines value as:

  • The monetary worth of something
  • A fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged
  • Relative worth, utility, or importance
  • Something (such as a principle or quality) intrinsically valuable or desirable

Therefore, how many of you know what you're worth and how you're valued?


Bruce Lee once said,

"People try to hold onto sameness. This holding onto prevents growth."

There are way too many salespeople acting like walking, talking brochures, as they're simply spewing out nothing but product information.

Let's get real for a moment, how many of your clients and future clients are buying into your facts and features?

I guarantee, most aren't even product oriented in their thinking; what they're laser focused in on is finding solutions to their most pressing issues and challenges.

When you pound your chest and rattle off great wizardry about your products, you fail to position you and your knowledge as the answer to their issues, frustrations or aspirations.

Quite frankly, all you've done is position yourself as a commodity, swimming in the deep blue sales ocean known as the sea of sameness.

This might be the mirror moment...

You've trained buyers to base more of their decisions on price, thereby pressuring your profit margins as they crush you with the sales sameness hammer.

The consummate sales professional creates value through the eyes of their clients. With laser focused vision, they clearly gain the opportunity to be viewed like none other in the marketplace, as if they've almost created a new market segment of one; themselves.

They've effectively repositioned themselves far away from their competition.

Price now becomes a less dominating factor within the decision-making process. I get it, at some point price may become an issue, but if they perceive unique and meaningful value, price will never be THE issue.

Creating value not only transforms sales effectiveness, but it also provides insulation from the price hammer.


Building strong, genuine and sustainable relationships requires a holistic understanding of what value means, as this lays the foundation for becoming valuable.

Sales professionals create value alignment.

Your values provide you a sense of direction.

Your values help you stay true to yourself.

Your values help you to make decisions.

The first step towards value alignment is gaining an understanding of what values are. Brené Brown, defines a value as “a way of being or believing what we hold most important.”

When you understand what your core values are, everything you do reflects that understanding. This helps shape your actions, what you pursue (future clients) and how you interact with others; this being your clients.

I believe if you can create synergistic alignment in three areas, then watch what starts to happen to your sales revenue and profits.


Sales professionals understand their value. They know value is deeply cemented within the foundation of their business house.

What makes you valuable?

People won’t ever engage in a business conversation nor buy from you if they don’t understand why they should pay attention to you.

Sales professionals understand their value statement is their promise. It's the value they deliver, communicate and hold themselves accountable for fulfilling.

Given client expectations and the competitive business landscape, a sales professional consistently reviews their value statement as part of their personal business strategy.

They spend time with their clients to see if they're actually meeting and fulfilling the aspects within their value statement with them.

Some of you might be saying, "Why is this so important?"

By spending time with your clients to assess whether you're effectively delivering on the promises outlined in your value statements, you soon start to gain valuable insights into areas where you excel and where you may need improvement.

Daily, a sales professional will ask themselves...

  • What do I represent?
  • What is my ideal self?
  • How would I describe myself?
  • What are my values?
  • What is my vision and mission?
How well do you know your value statement?


Sales professionals are always looking at things through the eyes of their clients.

They develop a deep understanding of what they value. They realize all clients value different things as there's no cookie cutter model and how to create it for them.

The same can be said for different people within the same organization. A sales professional gains an understanding and strategically builds authentic relationships with all key decision makers and influencers.

This ensures that all their communication is appropriate to each one of them.

Sales professionals do not cut corners and assume they know their client's value.

By strengthening the relationship, a sales professional gains a better sense of the current business situation and where their clients would like to be; as this information is used to position their value to address their clients' initiatives, goals, desires, and challenges.

By understanding where their clients want to be allows sales professionals to proactively anticipate future needs and provide solutions to help address potential challenges before they arise.

This proactive approach not only adds value to the relationship but also demonstrates their commitment to their clients' long-term success.

A sales professional will spend as much time as is it takes to gain an understanding of their client's value. They know taking shortcuts and skimming over key details will result in a failure to create and communicate value.


Company values are the guiding principles that are most important to a sales professional about the way their company works.

They align their values to the company's to create a value-based go to market strategy.

Words they align to...

  • Being accountable
  • Making a difference
  • Serving others
  • Doing what is right

When alignment of values happen, people understand one another, everyone does the right things for the right reasons. Value alignment helps the company to achieve its core mission, taking care of their clients and employees.

When values are out of whack, with people working towards different goals, with different intentions, and with different outcomes; this ultimately damages work relationships, productivity, job satisfaction, and creative potential.

All this has a direct impact to revenues and profits.

How well do you know your company's mission, vision and value statement?

A sales professional marries both values together in harmony and uses this to take care of their clients as well as to grow new opportunities.


Done with precision, building meaningful value positions salespeople with a greater chance to grow sales and long-term business relationships.

I encourage you to go back and analyze some of your best client relationships.

Grab a sheet of paper and a pen, start asking yourself some of the following questions:

  • Do I know what my client's value?
  • Do they know what I value?
  • Do they know what my company values?

If you struggle at any level to answer, then I believe uncovering these could be the path to strengthening and insulating your relationships from hostile take-overs.

To grow your sales, I encourage you to pay close attention to the strength of your relationships, tolerance for change, your client's current situation and always ask questions.

It's imperative that in today's competitive business landscape, you must marry your value, your client's value and your company's value together in complete harmony; one that is uniquely suited to promote growth and better business.

What soon starts to happen is you create deeper conversations, more meaningful relationships and more meaningful outcomes.

Jean-Claude Larreche is Emeritus Professor of Marketing and the Alfred H. Heineken Chaired Professor of Marketing, Emeritus at INSEAD. His book The Momentum Effect: How to Ignite Exceptional Growth, published by Pearson, was named the 4th Best Book of the Year by Amazon USA in its Business and Investing category. It has been translated into several languages.

Building on his research in The Momentum Effect, Professor Jean-Claude (JC) Larreche currently works on developing “leadership talents for powering growth” on a global scale. He has designed the learning simulation DiG (Discovery, Innovation, and Growth) which is currently available in six languages (English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Korean) and is offered internationally by a network of local certified DiG instructors. The research objective of the simulation is to test if the leadership skills for growth are different in a variety of contexts (country, industry, the size of company…) and to explore if personal development approaches have to be adapted accordingly.


In this episode of Selling From the Heart , we dive into the third sales transformation with special guest JC Larreche. Learn how to go beyond creating value to mastering the capture of corporate value, essential for any sales professional navigating today's competitive business environment.


Understanding the evolution of sales transformations: from product pushing to solution selling to value capture selling.

The importance of vulnerability in sales leadership and the challenge of bridging from one person's heart to another's.

The significance of corporate value drivers: profitability, market share, and customer satisfaction.

Developing competencies for long-term success: juggling multiple objectives, leadership, empathy, and business acumen.

Bridging the gap between top management and the sales force for mutual respect and strategic alignment.


"When you talk from the heart, it's from the heart of one person to the heart of another person."

"The deep root cause of short-term vision in sales is the lack of respect that top executives have for the sales force."

"Salespeople are not just selling; they're managing a business."

Learn more about Jean-Claude (JC) Larreche:


Learn more about Darrell and Larry:

Darrell's LinkedIn:

Larry's LinkedIn:


Got a video about how you sell from the heart? Share it by texting VIDEO to 21000.

Get the New Book That Will Help You Sell More... Without Destroying Your Relationships and Reputation. Discover how to build trust quickly with prospects and clients. Get your autographed advanced reader’s editions now! Please visit

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Unleashing the Power of Truth: Seeking Feedback From Clients.

"Average players want to be left alone. Good players want to be coached. Great players want to be told the truth."
Doc Rivers

Such a powerful statement about the mindset of players at different skill levels.

The above-mentioned quote emphasizes the importance of honesty and constructive criticism in personal growth and development.

Great players understand that facing the truth, even when it's uncomfortable, is essential for improvement.

Coaching and feedback are invaluable tools in their journey toward excellence.

Let's apply all of this to the sales world, as I believe the consummate sales professional understands the importance that client feedback provides in how they run their business.

They seek to uncover the truth.

Sales professionals proactively listen to the voice of their clients.

If your desire is to stay one step ahead of the sales wolf pack, then you should never, and I mean never stop listening to client feedback, whether it is positive or negative, prompted or unprompted.

If you struggle to discover what your clients think about you and how you've been helping them, then you will never be able to provide them the inspirational experience they deserve.

It's their opinions about the experience they have with you that becomes helpful, as you adjust your support to fit their needs more accurately.

Sales professionals seek the truth from their clients. Sales reps struggle to ask their clients for the truth.

This comes to life even more in John 8:32,

"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

As this speaks to the idea that knowing and understanding the truth can lead to liberation or freedom from falsehoods, ignorance, or oppression.

This emphasizes the importance of seeking truth and knowledge as a path to freedom.

Can seeking truth and knowledge from your clients create a pathway to sales freedom? I believe it can.


"When we make progress and get better at something, it is inherently motivating. In order for people to make progress, they have to get feedback and information on how they're doing."
Daniel H. Pink

To be able to adapt to changing conditions and ensure that your client's continue to feel supported, you must understand what you’re doing well and where you’re falling short.

Asking for clear, actionable feedback allows you to make better, more informed decisions and to pivot when necessary, in how you take care of your clients.

Asking for feedback creates an environment of trust and transparency between you and your clients.

When your clients feel like their input matters, they’re more likely to remain loyal and engaged.

They’re also much more willing to share valuable concerns and suggestions, as all of this leads to relational betterment and client sustainability.

To truly serve your clients is to listen to them.

Intently listen to their voices through consistent and constant feedback. Treat your clients like royalty, providing everything to match their wants and needs.

Time for a mirror moment:

  • How do you know if the level of support you're providing to your clients is working or not working?
  • How do you know if your clients are happy with their experiences?
  • What do they like and dislike?
  • How are you keeping up with what's going on inside their company?

I believe client feedback is the breakfast of sales champions. The single best thing you can do is connect with your clients and ask for feedback.

Forget about Wheaties, Cheerios or Oatmeal, Selling from the Heart Champions eat feedback for breakfast.

Check out this excerpt from Deb Calvert in her book, Stop Selling and Start Leading,

"When you give your buyers feedback, you are giving them a gift. In turn, they'll understand what works and what doesn't work in your interactions. When you seek and respond to feedback from your buyers, you differentiate yourself, set an example, and make it easier for them to hear your suggestions."

I encourage you to seek honest, candid and sometime uncomfortable feedback from your clients. Why might you ask... Because this helps you to become better.

To receive great feedback, one must become vulnerable. Shall I say, surrender.

Surrendering to vulnerability can lead to growth and improvement. It takes courage to become vulnerable, but it's often through vulnerability that we forge deeper connections and gain a better understanding of how to meet the needs of our clients effectively.

Embracing vulnerability becomes a powerful tool for personal and professional development.


James 4:2 says,

“You have not because you ask not.”

How can you take your sales game to the next level? Quite simple, ask for feedback from your clients and watch your career soar to new heights.

It's the feedback you get from your clients that provides you the avenues to grow the relationship.

In these instances, courage must become your best friend. A sales professional with courage asks those tough questions and welcomes the answers to improve their performance.

If you can listen with humility and capture the opportunity to improve yourself, the truth from your clients becomes a gift. And it is this gift that will set you free.

Sales professionals embrace courage and interact with vulnerability.

Here is a quick tip to start you on your way.

Place your clients into three buckets:

  • You love them and they love you
  • Challenging
  • Middle of the road clients, ones you just don't hear much from

The best place to start gathering feedback is from those clients who have been placed in the "middle of the road" bucket.

Here's the deal. You may not see them on a consistent regular basis, and you might be telling yourself, "All is well" but in actuality these are the clients who become vulnerable to a hostile competitive takeover.

It's these "middle of the road" clients which for some of you might make up 75% or more of your account base, that needs the love, attention and an enhanced inspirational experience. This only happens by unpacking what they crave from you.


The opportunities for growth with these "middle of the road" clients is ginormous.

I'm quite confident you've established some kind of a so-called relationship with them, but the question becomes... How credible is the relationship?

With these clients you must courageously dig in and ask...

  • What can I do differently?
  • What can I do to improve or enhance my service to you?
  • What can I do to help you do better business?

People, I'm asking you to rock the boat on this one because a comfortable mindset with these clients is a terrible thing to waste.

Think of all the competitors out there as they circle your clients just waiting for the right moment to reel them into their establishments of paradise.

The voice of your clients is priceless, never stop listening to them.

Deepen, strengthen and cement the relationship with feedback. Show you care. Show you mean it. Give a rip about your clients as they are your most precious asset.


Take care of your clients and they will take care of you.

Invest the time to create an inspirational experience. Investing in client feedback becomes a monumental source of business growth.

Asking for feedback from your clients isn’t easy; but you risk more, both in terms of personal growth and professional prosperity, if you shy away from it.

Think about living up to the promises you made and what was expected of you when your clients decided to do business with you.

Your clients, they are the most important stakeholders. It is mission critical to listen to their feedback. However, collecting client feedback is the first step to ensuring an outstanding experience. It’s what you do with the feedback that truly matters.

I will leave you all something to think about...

Let's say 5% of your client base are raving fans. My challenge is for you to set a goal. The goal is to double the number of raving fans you have by a certain date.

Then once this happens double it again and double it again.

I encourage to you to develop a client feedback plan.

Watch what happens to your sales growth. Need I say any more?

Unleash the power of truth, seek feedback from your clients.

Dave Kurlan , an esteemed speaker, best-selling author, and seasoned entrepreneur boasting over three decades of sales development expertise, gained induction into the Sales & Marketing Hall of Fame in 2012. He founded Objective Management Group , a leader in sales candidate assessments, and Kurlan & Associates, Inc., an acclaimed international consulting firm specializing in sales force development, recognized as a three-time Inc. 5000 honoree. His influential book, "Baseline Selling," reached #3 on and remains relevant even years after its publication, alongside his contributions to collaborative works and his own publication, "Mindless Selling." Renowned for his captivating presentations at prestigious events like Inc. Magazine's Conference and Gazelles Sales & Marketing Summit, Kurlan's expertise is frequently showcased in various media platforms. He introduced STAR, a groundbreaking recruiting method for exceptional sales talent, and curates the award-winning blog, "Understanding the Sales Force."


In this episode of Selling From the Heart , we dive deep into the concept of trust-based selling with special guest Dave Kurlan. They explore the importance of slowing down and being deliberate in the sales process, especially during the crucial stage between suspect and prospect. Using baseball analogies, they illustrate how rushing through this phase can erode trust and hinder sales success. Instead, they emphasize the significance of asking questions, listening attentively, and building a strong case for why prospects should buy. By adopting these strategies, sales professionals can establish genuine connections, differentiate themselves, and ultimately drive better results.


Slowing down and being deliberate in the sales process builds trust and accelerates deals in the long run.

Asking questions, listening attentively, and seeking clarity are essential steps in establishing rapport and understanding customer needs.

Rushing to present or pitch products/services can create resistance and erode trust, hindering sales success.

Building a strong case for why prospects should buy, based on their unique needs and challenges, increases the likelihood of closing deals.

Using analogies, such as the baseball diamond, can help visualize and reinforce key concepts in sales strategy and execution.


"The better you do taking your time between 1st and 2nd base, the faster you can run from 2nd base to home plate."

"Salespeople have a reluctance to slowly and patiently listen and ask questions. They prefer to start with a demo or a presentation, and they don't get that the very fact that they want to pitch something creates distrust."

"If you want to lead your sales team in runs batted in and be known as the heavy hitter, walk from first base to second base. Watch what starts to happen."

Learn more about Dave Kurlan:


Learn more about Darrell and Larry:

Darrell's LinkedIn:

Larry's LinkedIn:


Got a video about how you sell from the heart? Share it by texting VIDEO to 21000.

Get the New Book That Will Help You Sell More... Without Destroying Your Relationships and Reputation. Discover how to build trust quickly with prospects and clients. Get your autographed advanced reader’s editions now!

Read it before the official launch on August 13, 2024. Please visit

Please visit to pre order your copy of the rerelease of the Selling from the Heart book.


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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago

Third Week of April 2019

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Real Copier Sales

It's a very short month for me this month. In fact my month ends on the 18th.  On the 19th I'll start the Easter celebration and on Monday it's off to Vegas for ITEX 2019 along with meeting my new brother!

We put the effort in every day and we can only hope that all of the hard work gets us to where we want or need to be at the end of the month. Thus, I knew that if I didn't put the extra time in this month I would put up a stinker (sales month). Stinkers are not an option, but they can happen.....more here

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Re: Mita 900D Copier

What can this printer do besides copies .. examples: sublimate ? I just got one at an auction and it was in a print shop

Re: Mita 900D Copier

Mono25 posted: What can this printer do besides copies .. examples: sublimate ? I just got one at an auction and it was in a print shop Just makes copies, it is an antique

Re: Mita 900D Copier

I put the paper as it says but it doesn’t print or have the paper come out the other side .. any idea and or help would be appreciated

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    • Former CEO-led investment firms allege hacking and theft of files by Trump Media director.
    • Read more
  • MGM Grand Casino: Hacked by Criminals, Probed by the FTC

    • FTC investigates MGM Grand Casino for response deficiencies in cyberattack.
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  • Californians get hacked all the time. The state's top cybersecurity job is vacant

    • Vacancy in California's top cybersecurity job amid frequent hacking incidents.
    • Read more
  • McKamey Manor Tennessee owner files $8.4M lawsuit against Hulu, documentary participant

    • McKamey Manor owner sues Hulu and others in $8.4M lawsuit.
    • Read more
  • How China is Hacking America - Newsweek

    • Volt Typhoon allegedly designed to cripple U.S. systems in potential war scenario.
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  • U.S. says recent Microsoft breach exposed federal agencies to hacking - Washington Post

    • Russian government hackers steal Microsoft corporate emails, obtain passwords.
    • Read more
  • Don't delay 'hacking' battle investigation - The Times

    • Eight-year court battle concludes against US law firm Dechert and its former head of white-collar crime.
    • Read more
  • Apple changes 'state-backed' hacking language months after India 'pressure' -

    • Apple rebrands "state-backed attackers" as "mercenary" hackers amid pressure.
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  • 140 BMO customers say they lost $1.5M in transfer frauds, plan to sue bank

    • Over 140 Bank of Montreal customers plan to sue over cybercriminal theft totaling $1.5M.
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  • United States: Robotics hacking dispute with Chinese links ropes in domain companies

    • Robotics company Digital Dream Labs seeks access to websites, involves hosting companies Ionos and GitHub.
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  • FBI director echoes past warnings, as critical infrastructure hacking threat festers -

    • FBI Director Chris Wray warns of escalating cyber threats from China, Russia, and Iran against critical sectors.
    • Read more

-=Stay Safe=-
