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Larry Levine

Sales Reps: How Well Do You Really Know Your Current Customers?

"Relationships are Everything"

Here's the bottom line... customer experience matters more now than ever before and sales reps who don’t adapt to a customer-led mindset through personalization will fall behind and suffer major customer churn.

In this era of business intelligence and marketing automation tools, your clients and prospects are expecting a different type of interaction; one in which is personalized, genuine and authentic.

According to a Forrester report, only 27 percent of buyers find salespeople are knowledgeable about the buyer's specific business, meaning an astounding 73 percent of buyers don't think salespeople understand their company's needs. This is a problem.

Think of the 73% when it comes to your current customers, how you converse with them matters as this can be a key differentiator between you and your competition. Conversation, it is an art form taking a certain skill set along with practice to get the job done correctly; a truly loyal customer.


In a previous blog, 3 Ways A Servant Led Mindset Helps Sales Reps Crush Quota, I spoke to how sales reps must lead with the heart in how they serve their customer.

Question for all sales reps to think about...

Do you view and treat your customers as customers or clients?

A vendor or customer mindset defaults to a defensive or reactive sales position, missing opportunities to help and to increase your value by being able to build a dependable, mutually profitable relationship.

Truly successful sales reps lead with the heart and seek to serve their clients and prospects. The most high-valued sales relationships will be peer-to-peer in nature. This is a huge mental and strategic shift most sales reps will find exhausting.


Sales reps, instead of worrying about being interesting, we need to first be interested. Develop empathy for your clients. Start to gain an understanding of what motivates them and how this can align to what you can deliver. Always under-promise and over-deliver. This is the key!

You need to put your client's perspectives and needs far ahead of your own to give you a fighting chance. Putting them first is really not complicated. It's about making each client feel as important and valued as they are. 


If you truly want to get to know your clients and prospects then take the sales hat off, roll up your sleeves and engage in healthy conversation.

Here lies the issue - How many sales reps have truly meaningful conversations with their clients outside of the selling process? How many relationships are you developing inside your current account base?

The best sales reps know how to bring conversation out in the open. It is about uncovering the conversation your client is having with themselves. In doing so this enables open and honest communication to what is really going on which provides the freedom to engage in win-win situation.

If your client's don't feel like they are being heard and understood, they may withhold critical information as to where they really are or what they really feel about you, which may diminish or eliminate your ability to impact your future with them.

Focus on developing conversations, not sales campaigns. It is not about your agenda, it is about opening up human to human conversation. It is not about you it is about helping your client. Develop a sincere desire and demonstrate you are interested in your client's world and what motivates them.

When was the last time you had a conversation with one your clients that didn't involve trying to sell them something?

Seek to open up more conversations. Successful sales reps are far more effective with time, patience and their energy levels than the average sales rep is willing to invest. Invest in your clients, you owe it to them!


We all have ego's as sales reps. Setting aside your ego, I would like for all sales reps to think of their best client, got it... then here is what I am going to ask you to do... go face to face belly to belly with your best client and ask them this...

What is the value I bring to you and your business?

You can't say a word after you ask this question. If your best client without hesitation can't answer this question immediately then I am here to tell you that you don't know them and they don't know you as well as you think.

Sales reps must take the time to truly get to know their clients. I encourage you all to ask this question as well to each and every one of your clients...

What is the difference I have made to your business?

When we as sales reps sincerely and deeply understand our clients this will open the door to more creative solutions. This becomes huge stepping stones to a synergistic and profitable partnership.

Your clients are the lifeblood to your success. No clients, no business. Think of a servant led mindset and lead with your heart to serve them and bring about a positive change.

  • Think about your clients more than your competitors
  • Give your clients reasons to stick around by providing an outstanding experience
  • Give them more value for your price than you charge
  • Focus on their success not your success

I understand where you all are coming from. I have walked a day in a life of your shoes.

I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social aspects and modern strategies into your current sales process to grow net-new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way.

In 2016, Larry was recognized by ENX Magazine, “The Difference Maker” as someone who is making a difference inside the copier channel. Larry is passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image

You can find more blog posts inside the Social Sales Academy website.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform, coach and inspire B2B Office Technology Sales Professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and communicate on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy




3 Things All Sales Reps Must Get A Grip With When Selling In A Digital Business World

Technology and automation are not only helping today’s sales reps gain momentum in their marketplace, they are also changing the way sales reps sell their services. Selling successfully in today’s digital world takes a new mindset and skill set.

Inside a vast majority of sales departments there is a generational change happening. Many tenured, well-seasoned sales reps are now watching tech savvy young sales reps gunning for them as they take their business to the next level. Regardless of how long you as a sales rep have been doing what you are doing, you all must quickly figure out the best ways to sell your services in this technology-driven world. 

Right now, what fences separate and prevent you from providing more value to your clients?

Online technologies, social platforms and modern work practices have changed the sales process. The days of wining and dining clients and prospects, leaving them with brochures, pens and logo-covered notepads is over. They expect so much more from you.

It should not come as a surprise, many of today’s decision makers are younger and more educated than their predecessors. What the younger generation may lack in operational experience they more than make up for it with their understanding of the power of technology and how this can be used inside the buying process.


We can thank the internet and Google as they have forever altered customer behavior and how they gather information. In the past, gathering information about anything required an enormous amount of time, energy and resources. Talking to sales reps was the ideal way to learn about products, features, benefits, learn about the market, and to see how everything worked.

This is longer the case. With Google, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, or every other social platform we use to connect, we have an unlimited access to just about any topic.

This means the buyer is more informed than ever before and this is hitting sales team hard. The reality is the buyer is now dictating the sales process as evident inside this article by Hubspot - Buyers Speak Out: How Sales Needs To Evolve.

The time is now for sales reps to rebuild and reinvent themselves inside a digital business world.


How you present yourself, is how people first view you. What are you showcasing?


First impressions are difficult to change. The first encounter or their first impression usually matters as this determines whether or not a person you interact with wants to make a bond with you.

In order to achieve success in this hyper-connected business world all sales reps must learn how to build out their online presence. Build your online reputation just as hard as you build your offline reputation.

Before you even get your foot inside the business door, or even know the door is there, prospects can check your website (your LinkedIn profile) to find out what you do and how you do it. They can read up on you from your online profiles. Social media channels provides prospects and your clients an idea of what’s on your mind today and how your followers are responding. Believe it or not, these snapshot images are helping potential clients decide whether to contact you or even take your call.

Effective use of the LinkedIn platform allows a sales rep to build out their professional image, tell their story and generate awareness in the highly competitive sales environment.


In my opinion, the best sales reps tell phenomenal stories. It all starts with being able to articulate the value you bring to your potential clients. However, this is where the roadblock begins.

Most sales reps have difficulties in being able to clearly and concisely articulate the value they bring to their clients and prospects. With digital first impressions becoming a big deal, how sales reps position themselves by clearly being able to articulate the value they bring is mission critical to their success.

Being able to articulate your value proposition is the digital door opener. This is the pathway to opening up your story in a digital business world.

Sales reps must be able to convey a clear, compelling message online. In sales terms: what’s the most influential story you could tell to get your buyer to buy into YOU?


Social proof as a sales reps is critical to your success. Why? Because your prospects and clients are becoming more informed all the time. With the power of the internet at their fingertips, potential clients can gather an immense amount of information about you before ever speaking with you. 

The best way you as a sales rep can provide social proof is start using the recommendation section of your LinkedIn profile as a walking, talking social billboard. Spend the time face to face to with your current clients thanking them for their business. Seek their approval and have them share what it is like doing business with you and the value you bring to their business.

Social proof starts with having your clients edify your work for potential clients to see. Think of TripAdvisor and then think of how you can use social proof to open up sales conversations.


Pundits have repeatedly proclaimed millions of salespeople will soon be rendered obsolete by the emerging technologies of our day. In some instances and in some markets this may be true. However, sales reps will survive.

In today's fast paced, highly networked digital business world; a sales rep should be someone who guides their clients and prospects in their decision making and buying process. They should educate, help negotiate, consult, seek solutions, provides outstanding post-sales services and manages the relationship as a whole.

Agility, change, adapt, adjust and thrive - sales reps will survive in a digital business world.

I understand where you all are coming from. I have walked and continue to walk a day in a life of your shoes.

I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social selling aspects into your current sales process to grow net-new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way.

In 2016, Larry was recognized by ENX Magazine, “The Difference Maker” as someone who is making a difference inside the copier channel. Larry is passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image

You can find more blog posts inside the Social Sales Academy website.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform, coach and inspire B2B Office Technology Sales Professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and communicate on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy



5 Key Ingredients Of A Nex-Gen Major Account Sales Program

Major Account Sales Teams face numerous and daunting trends in today's highly connected, networked business world. They’re wrestling with major changes in their markets brought on by information-empowered buyers and the digitization within the sales channel. Growing competition, from established companies to tech savvy start-ups has placed even more pressure on sales margins and the effectiveness of sales teams to maintain clients or drive profitable net-new business growth.

With all of these combined forces at work, I encourage major account sales team to rethink parts of their sales process and operations around a new model, one which calls for new approaches to how they sell their solutions, positon or market themselves, take care of their current clients, grow new business as well as how their sales teams get organized.

This new sales team; let's call it the nex gen sales force is better equipped than ever before to adapt to the rapidly changing market conditions, digital business models and their disruptive competitors. It is a sales force built, as always, around client insights and perspectives. However, what distinguishes this sales force is their ability to build their personal brands, socially surround their client's by building a social fortress around them while integrating digital prospecting methods as they tap their client's networks asking for help in growing their business.


Sales teams have an unparalleled amount of information available to them, to the point where information in itself is no longer a competitive advantage. The competitive advantage lies right in front of them and this is themselves. What gives a sales team an edge over the competition is the insight into how to use all of this information to help solve business problems and challenges.

Trust, value and relationships is the new sales currency inside major account sales team. It is how you sell it and how you offer it as this will become your teams' competitive advantage.

Question becomes... What does a nex-gen major account sales program look like?


A nex-gen major account program consistently executes a strategic written business plan to:


Can sales reps actually increase sales by focusing less on acquiring net new clients and more on their current clients? Call me crazy as this actually can work. Most sales teams fail to recognize the huge crowd of people which have already decided to become clients. They forget about their current clients.

To increase net new sales, nex-gen major account sales reps concern themselves with reducing the number of their current clients lost by providing them with an outstanding client experience. In turn and with mutual agreement, they get their clients to edify their work and introduce them into their networks which open them up to new relationships and potential sales opportunities.

New business growth fuels company profits!


Often overlook, one of the best sources of sales growth - retaining and growing the existing client base. It’s less expensive and more effective to retain current clients than it is to acquire new ones. Nex-gen major account reps build relationships with more than just the decision maker. They include key executives, operations, technology, human resources, facilities or safety/sustainable office; if applicable.

When sales reps have built genuine relationships with numerous individuals within an account, they are more loyal. The only way to guarantee a loyal client base is to create unbreakable bonds wider and deeper in these accounts.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Set client expectations
  • Become their expert
  • Build trust through each one of the relationships
  • Build the relationships online as well
  • Listen - go above and beyond


Protecting the base means strengthening the personal relationship as well as the social relationships with current clients. Major account reps must build a social fortress around their current clients.

Each individual contact inside the client base has different agendas, motivations, and preconceptions. Major account reps who fail to build strong ties to any one of these people could see important deals collapse, relationships lost and more important revenue loss.

Nex-gen major account reps make client obsession part of their personal culture. It is about building rock-solid relationships. Always look for blind spots within your current major accounts.


High-value prospects offer the potential to generate growing and consistent revenue within in your organization.

If you want to grow sales revenues and maximize profits, to get where you are going with GPS-like precision; you need to take the time to plan and update sales tactics. Nex-gen major account teams know this and work strategically to implement well targeted, buyer-centric account growth plans.

With proactive methodologies in place they target high-valued prospects. Not only are these accounts "big fish" they are attainable "big fish". With these targets in mind they start to execute on their strategic sales business plan.


Nex-gen major account reps integrate social into their selling process. They realize their clients use it, their competitors use it and more importantly, Forbes recently shared a post with some data to back it up stating that 78% of sales people using social media outsell their peers.

The core elements of integrating social into the sales process can be accomplished by:

  • Building a personal brand - establish credibility and help create visibility
  • Listen an research - understand what clients and prospects are talking about and what is top of mind to them
  • Engage in conversations - join and start conversations moving from online to offline with prospects as well as a way to stay top of mind with current clients.

Crushing it as nex-gen major account rep means integrating social sales tools into prospecting while building better relationships to enhance client relationships

What does this look like? Research, Follow, Connect, Nurture and Meet.


In the book, To Sell is Human by Daniel Pink, he writes about how we’ve gone from a "buyer beware" culture to a "seller beware" culture. There’s so much information available to customers today via the internet that customers are often well versed in their options and interests before the salesperson even enters the scene.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon us as major account sales reps to really understand the client's world to add value, not to just show up, throw up and educate them on a product or solution.

The implementation of a nex-gen major account program is far more than just a few tweaks to the same old processes. It is a systematic, strategic transformation which hinges on embracing change throughout the entire sales team. In today’s crazy busy networked business world, a nex gen sales approach within your sales team is crucial for competing and winning in the marketplace.

I understand where you all are coming from. I have walked and continue to walk a day in a life of your shoes.

I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social selling aspects into your current sales process to grow net-new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way.

"Larry is taking on a very difficult task of being transformative agent in support of a commoditized industry. This industry has tremendous upside for those who accept this transition and embrace it and truly execute new ideas and solutions. Larry see's this opportunity and leads the way today and has an enormous effect on our team. We have ways to go but with Larry's assistance we will certainly transform."

James Wrbanek, SumnerOne

In 2016, Larry was recognized by ENX Magazine, “The Difference Maker” as someone who is making a difference inside the copier channel. Larry is passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image

You can find more blog posts inside the Social Sales Academy website.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform, coach and inspire B2B Office Technology Sales Professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and communicate on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy


3 Ways Copier Sales Reps Take Their Customers For Granted

A massive challenge for copier sales reps is attracting and obtaining net new business while trying to retain current customers. Choosing where to spend your energy or how to divvy up your time can be challenging. I know how busy you all are running around doing "stuff"!

It costs your dealership significantly more to acquire new customers than it does to retain them, as most successful dealerships understand the importance of maintaining outstanding customer relationships.

Why have dealerships become lazy when it comes to maintaining their customer relationships?


A picture speaks a thousand words...

Taking things for granted is an awful mistake we all make. A huge and unfortunate strategic error copier sales reps and their dealerships make is taking their customers for granted. When success sets in and everyone inside the dealership finds itself in a strong position the thought process seems to then revolve around your products and your services as being top-class, unique and something their customers can't live without.

Taking your customers for granted is equivalent to shutting down your dealership since it is your customers who call the shots now.

You as a copier sales rep and the offerings within your dealership are not indispensable given the fierce competition. Your customers have so many options that they do not need to stick with a company which takes them for granted. They would much rather jump ship and go to a company who respects them, understands their needs and treats them well.

Taking your customers for granted will permeate throughout your dealership. Remember your dealership exists because of your customers.

Customer retention, loyalty and the service experience you provide are the foundation to your survival

Attention to all copier sales reps and the dealerships you work for...

Don't take repeat business for granted or you will struggle to expand!


How can you protect your customer base from erosion? This is quite simple -Stop taking your customers for granted. Your current customer base has never more vulnerable than it is now.

Flip this on its head, attack the competition and their complacent, taking for granted mindset to drive enormous net new business growth. In order to achieve success, let's remove the obstacles preventing you from achieving sales growth.


Chew on this for a moment...

How do you truly know you are delivering value to your clients?

Are you really giving them what they really value more effectively than your competitors?

Are you sure?

How do you know if your services or products are adding the right kind of value to your existing customers? You can't assume any longer. Just because they renew their leases with you doesn't mean anything any longer. All this means is they don't know any better than what they know.

When is the last time you went belly to belly, face to face with your customers and asked them, "What value do our services or products create for you?" I am waiting for your answer, still waiting, still waiting; this is what I thought - it has been awhile.

I encourage you all to think about this question "What does value add look like to your customers?" I bet all of your customers want to increase their sales and grow their customer base, correct?

Here is a personal exercise... Ask yourself these two questions and then write down your responses to:

How do I help my customer's gain a competitive advantage?

What is my customer's perception of value in working with me?

To understand the meaning of value, you must first put yourself in your customer's shoes and see the world through their eyes.


Creating true, authentic and genuine relationships by spending informal time with your customers will help you to understand them and their businesses.

What’s important to them and their business; the return will far outweigh the investment. How well do you truly know your customers and how well do they know you? With all sincerity, when you get to know your customers inside and out, you can personalize the attention you give them.

In my last blog, 3 Ways A Servant Led Mindset Helps Sales Reps Crush Quota, true leadership as a sales rep is the ability to affect change and influence people inside your current accounts.

The more you can lead with a servant led mindset the better you will be in the long run. The aim is to be seen as a trusted adviser. When your input is greatly appreciated by your customers, it’s less likely they will engage with your competition. Stop taking your customers for granted.


Throughout this entire blog I have referred to customers as customers. How many have caught onto this?

To all copier reps and management, do you view your customers as customers or do you view them as clients? How many view them as clients but treat them as customers?

How do you know when a customer becomes a client, or the other way around? When a client becomes a customer this becomes a problem.

A bit of advice to copier reps, it is no longer acceptable to manage your lease end portfolio and call yourself a strategic account manager or whatever fancy shmancy title you bestow upon yourself.

Roll it up, dig in and get to know your CLIENTS! See their business through their eyes not your 36 month lease end eyes.

Customers buy things and clients seek advice! You can't go to Walmart and have a Nordstrom's experience.

Are you building customers or are you building clients?

Think long and hard about this one... Are you viewed as sales rep of products and services to your customers or do you enlighten, add value, inform, advise, counsel, nurture and become an advocate on behalf of your clients?

Is your personal preference to be sold or served? When you’re in the marketplace as a consumer do you seek out professionals whom you can trust or sleaze-balls selling a product?

Because all of you have been trained real well by management (what does your 30 day look like) your goal should not be to find customers who need something you have right now; rather your intent should be to build sustainable relationships with your clients who value your professional advice based upon the strength of your brand and the need for your expertise.

Ponder this one for a moment the contrast between clients and customers - Ask yourself whether you desire to be paid for what you do for your clients or what you hand them, a copier!

In conclusion, ditch the customer centric mindset and adhere to a client centric mindset. You will attract and retain relationships, command premium prices, develop brand loyalty (YOU), create loyal client relationships thus generating more revenue over the life cycle of a relationship. 

I guarantee if you make the mental shift in thought and in action, from customer to client your sales will become healthier and you won't complain about getting beat up on price.

I understand where you all are coming from. I have walked a day in a life of your shoes.

I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social selling into your current sales process to grow net-new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way.

"Larry is clearly on the forefront of seeing the value of building "social" relationships. He has helped our team realize the importance and power of having a strong, professional "social" presence. His creative ideas and strategies have helped our team gain credibility and move social relationships to quality face to face meetings." Dean Swenson, The Swenson Group

In 2016, Larry was recognized by ENX Magazine, “The Difference Maker” as someone who is making a difference inside the copier channel. Larry is passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image

You can find more blog posts inside the Social Sales Academy website.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform, coach and inspire B2B Office Technology Sales Professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and communicate on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy


3 Ways A Servant Led Mindset Helps Sales Reps Crush Quota

"True leadership is servanthood. Put the interests of others at the center of your decisions."
Dave Ramsey

I would like for you to think about the people who have been leaders in your life. One of the fascinating aspects about the people who lead us, whether they are good, poor or indifferent is the fact we learn a thing or two from all of them.

Some teach us how to lead while others demonstrate how not to lead. What makes the difference in a strong leader versus a weak one? Is it their personality? Is it their skill set? It their life experience they possess? While all of these are indeed factors there is one metric which I believe sets apart strong leaders from weak ones...

The best leaders have developed a well-thought out approach for leading others. 


Let's examine this from a sales perspective for a moment. True leadership as a sales rep is the ability to affect change and influence people inside your current clients and prospective client's places of business. Therefore, you as the coach need a game plan just as a general needs a plan of attack or someone running for office needs a platform. As a sales rep, if you are truly going to lead others; your clients and prospects then I suggest you bring a proactive thought process to how you lead.


There is a world of difference between being a vendor who takes orders (managing your lease end portfolio) and being viewed as a valued peer.

Do you view and treat your customers as customers or clients?

A vendor or customer mindset defaults to a defensive or reactive sales position, missing opportunities to help and to increase your value by being able to build a dependable, mutually profitable relationship.

Truly successful sales reps lead with the heart and seek to serve their clients and prospects. The most high-valued sales relationships will be peer-to-peer in nature. This is a huge mental and strategic shift most sales reps will find exhausting.

Adopting a servant leadership mindset takes a conscious effort by learning and committing to develop self effectiveness in areas such as:

  • Listening
  • Empathy
  • Healing
  • Persuasion
  • Foresight

I am forever grateful to Billy Burnett and Charles McPadden two of the most genuine guys I know from one of the finest organizations ever to exist Joni and Friends. Not only were these two gentlemen clients of mine but they became mentors and truly great friends. These two gentlemen played a huge role in why I feel so strongly about sales reps leading with the heart.

I encourage sales reps to think about stewardship with your current clients and prospects. Make the commitment to grow relationships not just for the sales sake but for truly, genuinely and with a burning desire wanting to build a great community of clients.

Servant sales leadership is a journey. It is conducive to sales reps with a grit and growth mindset.


It's not what we say as sales reps but what we actually do, this is what matters.


You need to put your clients and prospects perspectives and needs far ahead of your own to give you a fighting chance. Putting them first is really not complicated. It's about making each client and future client feel as important and valued as they are. If they need help, there should be absolutely no hesitation to offer the help. If there is a question, every effort should be made to answer it to their satisfaction. If there is a complaint about your product or your service, every effort should be made to rectify the problem immediately. Client satisfaction should be at the forefront in any reasonable situation.

Sales reps, instead of worrying about being interesting, we need to first be interested. Develop empathy for your clients and prospects. Start to gain an understanding of what motivates them and how this can align to what you can deliver. Always under-promise and over-deliver. This is the key!


Listen closely to your clients and prospects. Professional sales reps seek to understand the needs, concerns, desires, issues, challenges and current situation within their perspective clients and prospects business. An amateur sales rep sells products, a professional sells a solution to the problem.

By seeking first to understand, you can turn a transactional opportunity (like turning your lease base) into a transformational opportunity. I encourage sales reps to get on the same side of the table looking at the problem instead of staying on opposite sides of the table staring at each other.

The litmus test - ask your clients this question...

What is the difference I have made to your business?

When we as sales reps sincerely and deeply understand our clients this will open the door to more creative solutions. This becomes huge stepping stones to a synergistic and profitable partnership.


If you truly want to get to know your clients and prospects then take the sales hat off, roll up your sleeves and engage in healthy conversation. Here lies the issue - How many sales reps have truly meaningful conversations with their clients outside of the selling process?

The best sales reps know how to bring conversation out in the open. It is about uncovering the conversation your client or prospect is having with themselves. In doing so this enables open and honest communication to what is really going on which provides the freedom to engage in win-win situation.

If your client's don't feel like they are being heard and understood, they may withhold critical information as to where they really are within their buying decision, which may diminish or eliminate your ability to impact the outcome.

Focus on developing conversations, not sales campaigns. It is not about your agenda, it is about opening up human to human conversation. It is not about you it is about helping your client. Develop a sincere desire and demonstrate you are interested in your client's world and what motivates them.

Seek to open up more conversations. Successful sales reps are far more effective with time, patience and their energy levels than the average sales rep is willing to invest. They recognize there's something more important when it comes to closing the deal - listening to what the buyer isn't telling them.


If you want to crush it in sales, I encourage sales reps to develop a servant sales mindset. Sales reps who help out the most will win the most. 

In a world where sales reps are viewed upon with negativity, an authentic, real-deal approach is a breath of fresh air. It may result in losing a few sales battles here or there, but those sales reps who put their clients first no matter what are all but guaranteed to win the war.

I understand where you all are coming from. I have walked a day in a life of your shoes.

I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social selling into your current sales process to grow net-new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way.

"Larry Levine is one of a kind, and a master of his craft. I’d have to say he is truly ahead of our time with the knowledge he stores but generously enough, he shares his story and the vision in the manner that is mind blowing and motivating. With statistics from his personal endeavors as well as credible resources, not only is Larry Levine helping business’s stay connected with current customers through the content of his teachings with social media, he opens up your perspective to more opportunities and leads for businesses and their employees to strengthen their mission statement." Thomas Taylor, A&B Business Solutions

In 2016, Larry was recognized by ENX Magazine, “The Difference Maker” as someone who is making a difference inside the copier channel. Larry is passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image

You can find more blog posts inside the Social Sales Academy website.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform, coach and inspire B2B Office Technology Sales Professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and communicate on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy


3 Reasons Why You Are What Your LinkedIn Profile Says You Are - A Copier Sales Rep!

Hall of Fame and National Football League head coach Bill Parcells. When asked if his mediocre team were “winners or losers” Parcells responded...

"You are what your record says you are"
Bill Parcells

The Copier Sales Rep Test...

If it looks like a copier sales rep, acts like a copier sales rep, and speaks like a copier sales rep, then it probably is a copier sales rep.

The truth my friends, quit hiding behind your business cards while dressing yourself up with fancy shmancy titles such as; Solutions Consultant, Document Management Consultant or better yet, Senior Solutions Architect.

The old saying, "A picture speaks a thousand words."

Mirror mirror on the wall, what do copier sales reps LinkedIn profiles reveal about them all?


Whether you like it or not, your digital presence is out there and people can find your copier toner footprints.

Unless you’ve been living in some remote rain forest for the last 20 years, the stark reality is we have all moved into the digital age and have accepted the internet as a way of life for communication.

Information now travels instantaneously, network connections are made every day and first impressions are made without our knowledge.

If you can't do the little things right, how can you do the big things right?


  • Nonexistent net new sales opportunities
  • Difficulties cracking the C-Suite
  • Hard time creating unique differentiation
  • Effectively opening up new conversations

When a potential client lands on your LinkedIn profile, their opinion about you will be made at that very moment. Whether you believe it or not, if you fail to make a good impression you may have lost them forever.

I don't care how great of a sales rep you are! It is not about you!

After all, there are plenty of other well qualified, subject matter experts out there worth finding out about, connecting with and forming a relationship.


With nearly every business transaction in the United States today starting out as an online search or visit to a website, how much business are you potentially missing out on because your LinkedIn profile positions you as a copier sales rep? When referring to “nearly every transaction,” that’s because "89% of B2B transactions begin online", according to Google research.

Look at your LinkedIn profile... Pretend you’re a potential client and ask yourself...

Would I buy from myself based on what I currently see on my LinkedIn profile?


Copier sales reps are enamored with their titles. How many C-level business executives are chomping at the bit to meet with you based upon your title?

The opening act to your professional story and your LinkedIn headline screams, "Hello all, I am a sales rep." Albeit, you are a sales rep but what makes you any different than all the others?

Done well, your LinkedIn headline can be used to promote your brand statement, your most enticing expertise or your all-around problem solving skills. The value you provide must be conveyed through this message.


Hey, look over here, look how great I am. With a quick 10 second glance, Mr. or Mrs. C-level executive spots your summary... BAM!

"Our branch finished the year as the highest grossing sales team in the company. Personal sales totaled over 1 million and I finished as the number 1 rep in the company. Goals are to continue trending upward in both sales volume and sales reps. I want to triple the size of my sales team by the end of the year and move into a larger office. Please contact me if you are interested."

"Top-producing Sales Leader with extensive experience driving strategic sales planning & execution, enterprise account management and business development. To date, I have been recognized with 13 President’s Clubs Awards, 4 Regional Top Sales Awards, and multiple Leadership Awards."

What value are you bringing to the businesses you work with? How are you addressing the challenges businesses face in today's marketplace? What problems do you solve?

You must differentiate yourself from the copier wolf pack and get the right people engaged with you. Provide them a sense of confidence in your abilities as you share your unique promise of value.


Most copier sales reps will copy and paste bullet points from their resumes into the experience section. Better yet, I have worked at this dealership from this date to this date. How original!

Here is some ingenious creativity at its finest...

"We specialize in the complete lines of Canon and Konica Minolta document imaging systems, multi-functional devices as well as print management solutions, document storage and retrieval systems."

"When you work with us, you work with a team of business solutions specialists who take pride in their work and reputation. Our Senior Management team has an average of 20 years of industry experience. Our tremendous growth and success is attributed to the shared goal of every team member to take care of the customer, first and foremost. It is our straightforward and honest approach to simplifying document workflows that has earned us national awards for service, support and customer retention."

Think of removing doubt and eliminating risk for your potential new client. What do you do for your clients? Why does it matter? Why does it work so well?

What value are you providing to your clients?


You have difficulties creating differentiation, you have difficulties opening up new conversations, you are having a hard time cracking the C-Suite, your profile positions you as a copier rep and the best one yet; you feel compelled to post pictures of bright shiny copiers. Let's be honest here for a moment, what C-level executive who happens to be cruising through their newsfeed is going to stop and say to themselves, "I can't wait to have a conversation about this nice shiny copier." Stop it!


From generating new conversations, opening up new business opportunities or from a brand development point of view, how much passing traffic can you afford to lose because of the way you look?

We all know how much prospecting you are doing!

Gaining trust and loyalty from your networks and connections is the goal of every copier sales rep. You may not like the fact you are being judged, but it's a reality that has to be accepted in today's business world.

Your online strategy drives your digital first impression. Your digital first impression is hopefully one that can secure you a meeting with a potential client or get more familiar with a current client.

In the real world you rarely get a second chance to make a good impression and it’s highly likely as well in the world of social media, you probably won’t either.

After reading my post, look back at your LinkedIn profile and think of Bill Parcells then recite to yourself...

I am what my LinkedIn profile says I am - A Copier Sales Rep

I understand where you all are coming from. I have walked a day in a life of your shoes.

I am fully committed to helping your sales team integrate social selling into your current sales process to grow net-new business. I want you to get results. This is why I am passionate about doing this the right way.

"I believe Larry to be the best kept secret in the copier/MFP industry. Larry has ideas that will make your stomach turn if you are an old school copier rep and stuck in the 90's. He is bold, he is smart and his training is invaluable. If you want to keep up with the next generation of sales people then I recommend you hire Larry and do it NOW, or else you will get left in the dust. My sales have increased and the quality of my relationships has gone through the roof by utilizing social media and Larry's teachings. So, for a good time, call Larry!" Dale Dupree, North American Office Solutions

In 2016, Larry was recognized by ENX Magazine, “The Difference Maker” as someone who is making a difference inside the copier channel. Larry is passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image

You can find more blog posts inside the Social Sales Academy website.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform, coach and inspire B2B Office Technology Sales Professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and communicate on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy

Quit Kvetching... 5 Yiddish Words That Remind Me Of Copier Sales Reps

Office Technology sales bullpens everywhere are filled with sales reps who complain about everything from leads, to their comp plans, too much paperwork, losing deals based on price; you name it they will find something to bitch about. You could say it’s a completely natural part of the sales culture and comes with the territory.

While some complaints may be legitimate, you won’t hear the best sales reps inside dealerships complaining since they are too busy focusing on finding solutions. Venting makes sales reps feel better, but it rarely helps your numbers and the top sales reps understand this well.  


Listening to copier sales reps gripe and moan reminds me of my youth and the summers I spent in New York City with my grandparents. The only thing worse than copier sales reps moaning is having to watch four old Jewish grandma's playing mah-jongg complaining about all of their ailments.

For those not of the Jewish faith and wondering, "What the heck" follow along with a little twist from an old Jewish comedian Marty Allen.

The Italian grandma says, I'm tired and thirsty. I must have wine.

The Scottish grandma says, I'm tired and thirsty. I must have Scotch.

The Russian grandma says, I'm tired and thirsty. I must have vodka.

The Jewish grandma says, I'm tired and thirsty. I must have diabetes.


My grandma would always tell me...

Quit your kvetching and get over it


Tuches - Get off of your lazy butt and start to prospect!

Shamatta - You come to work wearing business attire but your online appearance looks like you are wearing Shamatta or ragged clothes.

Bupkes - When you can't upgrade 50% of your lease base and you haven't prospected in months.... You have put in very little effort into developing new business so you are left with bupkes at the end of the month... nothing!

Shpilkes - Walking into a net new meeting with a C-level executive without being prepared and they notice you have shpilkes... nerves!

Shmendrik - Major account copier reps with inflated egos who haven't prospected for months, OOOPPPS I meant years are Shmendrik's, fools!

Bonus Yiddish word for all copier sales reps...

Spiel - When you meet with a new prospect they don't want to hear your spiel... Your long winded sales presentation. Make it about them!


My grandfather was a self-educated man. He had to drop out of school early in life to help support his family. He always stressed to me you got to have "Chutzpah" to succeed out in the real world.

He went on to say... "Each time you face your fears, you make a deposit into your chutzpah account." The battles in life whether won or lost produce more chutzpah.

Passed down from my bubbe and advice to all copier sales reps... Chutzpah seasoned with charm translates as enthusiasm. Charm strengthened by chutzpah reminds your clients and prospects you have a respectable professional purpose. Loaded with both, you can win friends and sell with confidence. Quite frankly, who wouldn’t want that combination?

I get where you all are coming from. I have walked a day in a life of your shoes.

Your comments, likes and shares are greatly appreciated.

In 2016, Larry was recognized by ENX Magazine, “The Difference Maker” as someone who is making a difference inside the copier channel. Larry is passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image

You can find more blog posts inside the Social Sales Academy website.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform, coach and inspire B2B Office Technology Sales Professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and communicate on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy

7 Social Steps I Used To Crush Quota As A Major Account Copier Rep

To hit quota or not hit quota... Yes, the harsh reality as a major account copier rep boils down to this question... Did you hit quota?

As dealerships approach the end of their fiscal year, dealer principals along with executive management start thinking about the next year. One of the key parameters discussed are the sales quotas assigned to sales their sales reps.

"Nobody is going to buy from you because you have a quota to meet. They are going to buy from you because they see value in doing so"
Bob Burg

The percentage of major account copier reps who reach or overachieve their set quota can be considered established measures of sales effectiveness. Conversely, it is common knowledge the percentage of major account copier reps who do not reach their set quota indicates room for improvement, which brings me to this...

How many major account copier reps would crush quota if they focused on increasing their business development activities and stopped spending so much time managing their lease end activities?

The 800 pound sales gorilla has awoken! It is time for major account copier reps to lead the way, set the example and become business leaders inside your dealership.


Having walked a day in the life of a major account copier rep, I get it. I know how hard you all work. Heck, managing lease ends is exhausting work. Failure to meet and exceed quota boils down to one thing and one thing only - inadequate efforts from you.

According to the CSO Insights 2015 Sales Compensation and Performance Management Study, only 54.6 percent of sales professionals produce enough revenue to meet quota. 

Inadequate efforts equate to a lack of focus and consistency around one word...Prospecting. I ask you all to think about the following...

How would you crush quota in 2017 if 50% of your base decides to keep their current equipment as opposed to upgrading?

I encourage all major account copier reps to read "Fanatical Prospecting" by Jeb Blount. Placing all of your sales eggs in the lease end basket is a recipe for quota attainment disaster.

"The brutal fact is the number one reason for failure in sales is an empty pipe and the root cause of an empty pipeline is the failure to consistently prospect"
Jeb Blount


Major account copier reps must integrate the use of social to nurture, grow and facilitate crushing their sales quotas. The following 7 steps I integrated to go from ZERO to $1.3 Million in sales as a major account copier rep in a net new major account position.

Learn how to develop your business plan here at the Major Account Sales Workshop.


I came to work every day in a business suit and tie. I made a commitment to myself my LinkedIn profile would look just the same as this would help facilitate my social business development.

  1. I crafted and curated educational content. This isn't difficult... but for some it is uncomfortable and even a bit advanced.... it took some time but what educational moments.
  2. I shared the content with my social network to help kick start conversations. Sharing content isn't difficult. Part of what we must do as a major account copier reps is to continually educate our clients and prospects.
  3. I became a frequent visitor of who viewed my profile. The free version of LinkedIn gives you only 5 profile views. There is a high probability of missing some extremely important buyer views. This is a very big reason to have Premium (watch out for upcoming LinkedIn desktop changes as well as plans very soon). Furthermore, I'd encourage Sales Navigator as the right sales investment social tool for intelligently prospecting.
  4. I converted these viewers to 1st level connections through personal invitations to connect. However, attempting to convert too early can be risky. I'd recommend following them on LinkedIn or saving them as a lead in Sales Navigator to then build further credibility and trust. A connection from a sales rep can be confronting if it's done too early.
  5. I reviewed the content engagement section for comments to my posts leading to further conversations. Another great tip, I'd say which is equally important is finding your prospects that are sharing their own content which is personal to them and their engagements. 
  6. I mined my network by reviewing 2nd level connections and then asking for help from the people who knew me very well, my current clients. Equally important as well are the TEAM benefits of everyone's collective network by being digitally connected especially inside major accounts.
  7. I turned my online conversations to offline meetings. It all starts with making this a daily habit. Nothing happens until you make the commitment to drive change in your life.


According to PleinAireStrategies, The number one reason why reps were not meeting their numbers was, “Their inability to provide insight into a buyer, adding value and starting relevant conversations.”

How are you as a major account copier rep opening up new conversations? Integrating the 7 steps I used to help crush quota will facilitate how you capture the attention of new prospects, how you drive conversation, how you collaborate, how you connect and most importantly... how you convert to drive more sales revenue.

I challenge and encourage all major account copier reps to let go of the 800 pound sales gorilla in 2017. Become the sales leaders and chart the course for others to follow.

I get where you are coming from. I walked a day in the life of a major account copier rep.

Please share your comments or share this post. I am here to help and open up a great conversation with you.

In 2016, Larry was recognized by ENX Magazine, “The Difference Maker” as someone who is making a difference inside the copier channel. Larry is passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image

You can find more blog posts inside the Social Sales Academy website.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform, coach and inspire B2B Office Technology Sales Professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and drive conversations on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy


3 Things Major Account Copier Reps Consistently Do To Shoot Themselves With Complacency Bullets

If you want to win consistently as a major account copier rep you need a plan. You need to develop a strategy which gives "THE" edge, the business "IT" factor over the competition; consistently driving sales opportunities through the pipeline all the way to the finish line.

Life as a copier sales rep, especially in major accounts is challenging and I get it. I thrive and embrace personal and business challenges hence my 3 Things I Learned As A Major Account Copier Rep On The Streets Of Los Angeles

I’ve spent my entire sales career inside the office equipment industry, during which, I’ve been part of countless conversations with sales leaders, managers, and other salespeople trying to better understand how to motivate sales reps to do more than they are doing. This brings me back to 5 Things Top Sales Reps Do And Why Most Just Shoot Themselves With Complacency Bullets


Inside copier dealerships, the major accounts department often represents the largest growth opportunity for most dealerships. However, V.P. of Sales and Major Account Sales Managers are becoming silently frustrated. So much potential inside our major account department, so much opportunity – stalled and squandered. On the flipside, many of these frustrated managers also fit the description of average and complacent. A whole different issue and another topic of conversation.

Then something happens... Other reps become frustrated. These “bleep - bleep” major account copier reps are holding onto accounts that they aren’t growing or they don’t even call on, but they hang onto them “just in case.”

The time is now. Time to open Pandora's Box. We can no longer sweep these actions under the sales rug and pretend they don't exist. What may have seemed small or innocent over the years has now turned out to be severely detrimental to sales growth with far-reaching negative consequences inside your sales departments.


As a major account copier rep you didn't start off your career saying “I just want to be good enough.” Your worked your ass off to progress to becoming a major account sales rep.

Sports athletes don’t come out of rookie training camp saying, “I’m shooting for average – average skills, average income and average performance.

When you started in the industry you didn't set out with the goal of hanging on, doing enough to just “get by”, or riding it by figuring out how to survive until I can inherit another sales reps accounts. Well, at least not in the beginning, correct?

You learned that mindset. You learned that behavior. You learned to settle.

I am positive the mind can be convinced of almost anything if you tell it the same story over and over again. So here lies the question to all Major Account Copier Reps, V.P. of Sales, Major Account Sales Managers and Dealer Principals...

Are you really happy with average results or have you just convinced yourself that’s the case?

Yes, we are all feeling the pressure. The pressure from our manufacturers, pressure from our clients and pressure from our competition. I am a firm believer this pressure is self-induced and it has been brewing for years.

You are under pressure do to one word... COMPLACENCY



The real issue inside major account copier sales departments stem from these three things...


As a major account sales rep when your LinkedIn profile offers no clear path for visitors (your prospects or clients), that's the exact impression you give about you and your ability to help their business. You're affecting their thought process.

With nearly every business transaction in the United States today starting out as an online search or visit to a website, how much business are you potentially missing out on because your LinkedIn profile has a broken window? When referring to “nearly every transaction,” that’s because "89% of B2B transactions begin online", according to Google research.

As a major account copier rep, you come to work wearing business attire then why on earth do you look like this online?

Now, go ahead and take a look at your LinkedIn profile and ask yourself...

Would I buy from me based on what I currently see on my LinkedIn profile?

If the answer is NO, then I urge you to ask yourself, “What am I doing to repair the cracks within my LinkedIn profile?"


Congratulations as you have outwitted, outsmarted and outlasted most sales reps inside your dealership to inherit fruits of their labor. I know not all exude these behaviors but you get my drift, right?

You can't expect 100% of your M.I.F. to flip in any given year. Sure, managing a lease portfolio is part of what we need to do but not the main thing we should be doing. You must account and take into consideration a deal getting pushed or even worse losing an account.

I encourage all major account copier reps to give thought to...

If you lost any one of your top 5 accounts, how would you get to your budget number? 

Major account reps must always be on the look-out for new opportunities as you never know what may happen. This means we must ALWAYS BE PROSPECTING!

Losing a major account sucks. I get it as it has happened to me. A healthy relationship funnel and a healthy major account sales funnel sure takes the sting away.

“Things may come to those who wait…but only the things left by those who hustle.” – Abraham Lincoln

Here’s the deal. You didn't get to where you are at by being average. So why are you sitting back, cruising month over month managing lease ends? Where is the hustle? Where is drive? Remember back to when you first started, you worked your ass off.

What would you do if in 2017 you had no M.I.F. to flip? How would you get to your budget number? Scary thought, huh?

As a major account copier rep, building your credibility and leveraging your network are two great places to start. Another great place to start is a mouse-click away...



If I had a dollar for every time I heard major account copier reps utter these words, "I have great relationships inside my accounts. Don't worry about it I own this account they aren't going anywhere", I would be a freaking millionaire. Then KABOOM the account is pulled right out from underneath their complacent nose.

In one of your current major accounts, how many people do you truly know? Of course, we want to stay close to the key decision makers but what about the influencers, stakeholders, department heads, lower level management and even the gatekeepers?

The more you know the more you grow. You never know who knows somebody who knows somebody (your competition). Your network is your net worth! Failure to spend the time to truly build effective relationships with your major accounts is a long term recipe for disaster.

All too often, relationships with major accounts are too shallow and narrow. Lease contracts are signed and the end users are trained but few relationships are developed outside of the day-to-day contacts. Sometimes this works, but most of the time it’s a highly risky proposition. What happens if your only contact leaves the company? You’re likely left with no advocate and no additional relationships within the account. Plain and simple: you are at risk of losing them as a customer.

When you are at risk this starts to happen at all levels inside your dealership...


Sales is a numbers game with any industry. If you’re not consistently hitting your budget number, there can be a clear reason why. Be extremely honest with yourself. Find your weaknesses and work like never before to improve them. Squash the complacent behavior. I encourage you all to stop resting on your laurels.

I encourage you all to do something which will blow your sales manager's mind. Ask for help. Even Tiger Woods needs a swing coach. When was the last time you humbled yourself enough to ask for help? It’s a sign of strength and maturity, not vulnerability and weakness.

Throughout our history, ego might be one of the largest causes for the downfall of men, organizations, and even countries.

Don’t let it hold back your sales career.

I get where you are coming from. I walked a day in the life of a major account copier rep.

Learn more about our upcoming major account sales development program here

Please share your comments or share this post. I am here to help and open up a great conversation with you.

In 2016, Larry was recognized by ENX Magazine, “The Difference Maker” as someone who is making a difference inside the copier channel. Larry is passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image

You can find more blog posts inside the Social Sales Academy website.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform, coach and inspire B2B Office Technology Sales Professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and drive conversations on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy

Why Having A Business Plan Is A Must For A Major Account Copier Rep

These two quotes by Benjamin Franklin, one of the most influential founding fathers of the United States, have played such a pivotal role inside the sales world today. “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” and "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."

I encourage you to set aside some time and think about these two quotes as a major account copier rep. If you would like some help check out What Is You Purpose, Plan And Goal For 2017

  • What is your plan to grow your business by xx% in 2017?
  • What are you going to do to enhance your attitude, skills and knowledge?
  • What are you going to do to enhance your mindset and skillset?

Here's where it becomes serious...

  • If you have had no M.I.F (Machines in Field) to flip how would you get to your budget number?
  • If you lost any one of your top 5 accounts, how would you get to your budget number?

In my last post, 3 Things I Learned As A Major Account Copier Rep On The Streets Of Los Angeles, I shared my story and why having a plan as a major account copier reps is crucial to your success.

A well written, well thought out and well managed business plan is your roadmap to success. If you want to get from point A to point B, we don't think twice as we enter our starting address and ending address into our smartphones.

GPS guides us to our final destination. Think of GPS as you develop your business plan. Your business plan provides the roadmap to help you get to your end-point, meeting or exceeding quota.

The time is now for major account copier reps to rise up, set an example and become true leaders inside your sales department. You all carry the highest quota numbers, you earn fantastic money and take care of your dealerships "cream of the crop" clients. We must walk, talk and act like business owners.


A major account business plan is a well thought out written description to your personal business's future success. This is a strategic document that tells what you plan to do and how you plan to do it. It is walking the walk and talking the talk.

The plan does not have to be over complicated. It's basically a strategic and tactical plan for acquiring new business, growing existing business while making and/or exceeding sales quota. It is a healthy mix of new business, current client renewals and selling more offerings into existing clients (going wide and deep).

Let's keep this simple. Inside your plan think about...

  • New business acquisition strategies
  • New business acquisition tactics
  • Existing current client growth strategies
  • Existing current client growth tactics

This is a roadmap of how you are going to grow your business. This strategic plan is a process and thus has inputs, activities, outputs and outcomes. This is a process, like all processes; it may have constraints. These may be formal or informal and typically involves feedback from management.

As a major account copier rep, a great place to start building your roadmap is here...


I encourage all major account copier reps to again give thought to...

"If you lost any one of your top 5 accounts, how would you get to your budget number?"


It is simply not OK to sit back, rest on your laurels and manage a lease expiration list. What example are you setting for all other sales reps on your team? At one point in time you were a young rep and you had to work your ass off.

Lead by setting a professional business example. Lead by walking the walk and talking the talk. Show the younger sales reps on your team how it is done and what they can inspire to become.

When proactively developing your major account business take into consideration:

  • How you will exceed quota?
  • How you will increase the awareness in your marketplace for your dealerships products, service and solutions?
  • How you will increase your participation and become more active within your community?
  • How you will obtain referrals from your clients?

Jim Leyland, the retired Pittsburgh Pirates manager nails it...

"You don't lead by lip service, you lead by example"


The final part of your business plan must detail the timeline for implementing each aspect inside your plan. Once you've created, please don't file it away! Keep it handy and revisit it, revise it and share it with management on a regular basis. Not only hold yourself accountable to it have management hold you accountable to it. Stay on track with your plan, and you'll stay on quota.

In case you missed my webinar, How To Build A Nex Gen Major Account Department you can download it now by clicking here

Let's hold ourselves accountable. Set the example and let's all rise-up!

I get where you are coming from. I walked a day in the life of a major account copier rep.

Please share your comments or share this post. I am here to help and open up a great conversation with you.

In 2016, Larry was recognized by ENX Magazine, “The Difference Maker” as someone who is making a difference inside the copier channel. Larry is passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image

You can find more blog posts inside the Social Sales Academy website.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform, coach and inspire B2B Office Technology Sales Professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and communicate on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy

3 Things I Learned As A Major Account Copier Rep On The Streets Of Los Angeles

Life as a copier sales rep, especially in major accounts is challenging and I get it. I thrive and embrace personal and business challenges. No risk no reward!

"Choices, Chances, Changes... You must make a choice to take a chance or your life   will never change"

If you want to win consistently you need a plan. You need to develop a strategy which gives you an edge, the business "IT" factor over the competition; driving sales opportunities through the pipeline all the way to the finish line.

Where do you start?

When thinking about what it takes as a major account copier sales rep to formulate a winning sales strategy, a good starting point to remember is you are dealing with a complex buying environment. Multiple decision-makers and influencers are involved, the needs and issues are multi-layered, multi-faceted and often times conflicting. The solution configuration and implementation management is likely to be complex and sophisticated.


As a major account copier rep, a great way to stand out inside a large group of diverse individuals with diverse goals and interests is to teach them something new and unique about their business.

Major accounts have no generic customers thus there are no winning generic account strategies. Every opportunity is unequal and each major account strategy must take this uniqueness into consideration.


After spending almost 20 years of my sales career with the same copier dealership I decided it was time for a change. I set the ego and fear aside to embrace the next chapter of my copier sales career. This opportunity was a "net new" sales position within the Corporate Major Account team for a global office technology manufacturer. I was handed zero current clients, an $840,000 quota and I had to build out a target account list to call on.

I ask you all, how many tenured sales reps would leave 20 years of business behind them to venture off into new horizons without a single account to feed off of. The answer my friends is blowing in the wind, it is zero!

The first 90 days I ate slices of humble pie as I threw up goose eggs; big fat zeros! I had to change my mindset as I was beginning to build my relationship funnel. I strongly believe in order to have a healthy sales funnel you have to engage and commit to building up your relationship funnel.


Major account copier reps, the 3 things I learned very fast in a brutally competitive business climate and marketplace, you must...

Walk it, Talk it and Look it. You must have the IT factor!

I am a firm believer in "What is old is forever new" No relationship funnel no sales funnel, plain and simple. I changed my mindset by integrating the use of social selling concepts inside the traditional copier sales process.

Building, leveraging and promoting my brand socially on LinkedIn (walk it, talk it and look it) was the defining major account moment. This allowed me to foster and build up my relationship funnel as I soon started to convert these relationships into net new meetings. These net new meetings took on an entirely different meaning as I already had developed the personal connection as I socially committed to building relationships based on three simple words - Teach, Tailor and Educate.

Leveraging LinkedIn or for that matter any social platform is just a vehicle to enhance your business development. This does not replace old fashion hard work, dedication and commitment to be your very best.

In the span of one year, with daily discipline I leveraged these LinkedIn relationships to bring in well over $650,000 of net new business in conjunction with $1,300,000 in sales revenue in calendar year 2014! Over 50% of my sales revenue was directly attributed to how I leveraged LinkedIn. LinkedIn became the cog in the wheel of my prospecting strategy and success.

My question to major account copier reps... How are you walking, talking and speaking about how you help major corporations solve their issues, challenges and initiatives?

As a major account copier rep, building your credibility and leveraging your network are two great places to start. Another great place to start is a mouse-click away...



Your LinkedIn profile is your professional image to the major account business community. Are you seen as a subject matter expert? How are you positioning yourself as a thought leader? You are creating your personal brand via what you promote within LinkedIn.

It all starts with your professional headline. This is not the ideal position for your job title. Do you honestly think any high level decision maker cares about your major account business title? You have seconds to capture their attention and draw them into your LinkedIn profile. Promote value, create your call to action and propel them into continuing to read your profile.

"Think of the challenges your prospects have and how you can help solve them"


After drawing executives in with your headline, pay close attention to the summary section. A great read is Simon Sinek's Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take ActionI used the summary section as my why. Why would someone do business with you? What do they get when they engage with you? What makes you who you are? This is your personal story-telling time. I drew in business executives by sharing with them what they can expect by engaging with me. It was my promise of value which catapulted the start of many real conversations.

   “People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe”,
Simon Sinek


Completely optimizing your LinkedIn profile is a must as a major account copier rep. No excuses! The time is now! Resuscitating your sales funnel through social business development is a must for major account copier reps. Commit to nurture, grow and build those business relationships.

To all major account copier reps, their managers and dealer principals I ask you this...

What would happen to your income, your bonus and your dealership's service revenue if you lost one of your major accounts? How would you replace it? How soon could you replace it?


It all starts with developing a new mindset, learning new skill sets and adding them to your major account tool chest. Nothing happens until you make the commitment to drive change in your life. Lose one major account customer and you will soon realize where I am coming from.

It is imperative, major account copier reps must position themselves to be viewed as go-to resources for thought leadership and industry news. Incorporating LinkedIn as part of your growth strategy, I firmly believe you will have less competition for the executive buyer’s attention, you will create a positive personal brand image, you will position yourself as a subject matter expert but most importantly you will consistently keep the sales funnel full of major account prospects.

It is all about the top of the sales funnel. Nothing going in means nothing is coming out!

Please don't allow your major account sales funnel to look like this...

If an old school, baby boomer copier guy can adapt so can you! I get where you all are coming from as I have walked a day in the life of your shoes.

Please share your comments or share this post. I am here to help and open up a great conversation with you.

In 2016, Larry was recognized by ENX Magazine, “The Difference Maker” as someone who is making a difference inside the copier channel. Larry is passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image

You can find more blog posts inside the Social Sales Academy website.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform, coach and inspire B2B Office Technology Sales Professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and communicate on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy

3 Things Sales Rep Must Use To Avoid Sounding Like Another Sales Monkey On The Phone

Paper shuffling, sweaty palms, time to go to the bathroom, nobody answers the phone; the excuses run rampant inside sales bullpens. Sales monkey business has run amuck inside sales teams of all sizes.

Sales suffers' may have no problem communicating face to face, but have difficulty doing so over the telephone.

Here we come, walkin'
Down the street
We get the funniest looks from
Ev'ry one we meet
Hey, hey, we're the Monkees
And people say we monkey around
But we're too busy singing
To put anybody down


With a comedic twist, my prior post 3 Things Sales Reps Must Use So They Don't Look Like Sales Monkeys With A Loaded Gun pinpoints how top sales reps successfully integrate the use of three silver bullets - Customer Relationship Management Software, Content and their Clients as their fellow sales monkeys run amuck inside the sales department.

With this in mind... What does a successful quota-carrying sales rep do every day?

Successful sales reps don't monkey around!

It’s no shock to learn the very best sales reps in the business are incredibly focused, organized, and clearly plan out each day with a set goal in mind.

Part of this plan involves the use of the phone as they use to secure net new business meetings. How you say things to a prospect matters more than what you say. According to Sandler Sales Training, "only 7% of communication relies on the content of what you say, whereas 38% of communication is about other attributes of communication such as tonality, etc."

Successful sales reps set aside the excuses and refrain from monkey business. They don't buy into the "Monkey See Monkey Do" philosophy. Cold calling and the use of the phone is not dead, just different!


3 Things Sales Rep Must Use To Avoid Sounding Like Another Sales Monkey On The Phone

Top sales reps successfully "ditch the pitch" and use these three things...

Pre-Call Planning Research

Top sales reps prepare for every phone call. They have adopted the mindset of "Quality over Quantity". Pre-call planning success begins with preparation. This preparation will provide you with greater self-confidence as this allows you to come across as a more knowledgeable sales professional to your prospect.

Collecting the right information will help you gain valuable insights that, if leveraged decisively, will separate you from all the other sales monkeys. When collecting information, do so with the intent of trying to better understand the prospect’s challenges. Learn what makes their business tick and how you can be a problem solver for them. With effective pre-call planning, you demonstrate you have a vested interest in their success, which is critical in gaining instant rapport with them on the phone.

There is a wealth of information to be had at company websites, business information sites and news outlets.  During your research, consider these questions:

  • What is my prospect’s market strength?
  • What are their top business concerns right now?
  • How are they positioned to handle these concerns?
  • Who are the key company decision makers?
  • How can I help?

Position yourself as the expert. Quality pre-call planning is one key to success and survival in a highly competitive sales environment.

Business Acumen

I am a firm believer business people buy from business people; not just sales people. Think about this for a second...

According to a Forrester report, "only 27% of buyers find that salespeople are knowledgeable about the buyer's specific business." Additionally Corporate Visionsdetermined, "customers believe sales reps are 88% knowledgeable on product and only 24% on business expertise."

Sales professionals must have strong business acumen skills to provide value and insight as they communicate with prospects during phone conversations. Sales professionals have no time for monkey business when they are on the phone.

Top sales reps transform themselves into a true business advisor to prospects as they communicate with them. Whether face to face or on the phone, engaging with a higher degree of business acumen sets top sales reps apart from the sales monkeys.

Increase in business acumen allows successful sales reps to...

  • Prepare for the sales process
  • Understand their prospects business strategy and current financial situation
  • Ask business situation questions, business challenge questions, and business opportunity questions
  • Position value from the client's business perspective

Strong business acumen help sales reps better understand a prospect's pushbacks, placing those objections in greater context, helping them to move a possible meeting forward on the phone.

Top sales reps understand the telephone is still an essential tool in the sales conversation, as the below mentioned findings further strengthen the third thing sales reps must use.

  • The average salesperson only makes 2 attempts to reach a prospect. (SiriusDecisions)
  • 42% of sales reps feel they do not have the right information before making a sales call. (Lattice Engines, March 2013)
  • 75% of the more than 1,000 senior executives surveyed by DiscoverOrg said they have taken an appointment or attended an event that came from a cold call or email. (DiscoverOrg)


Let's do some simple math...

If 25 cold calls gets 0 results and 50 dials gets 0 results
25 x 0 = 0
50 x 0 = 0
Successful sales rep don't increase their activity to expect different results they change their activity to something that works.

Quality calls will yield quality results. Top sales reps leverage referral calling into a prospect from their current customers, their network, or one of their strategic partners.

The key aspect is top sales reps are constantly developing and working their target prospect list. They leverage this list as it makes it much easier when they ask a current client, their network or strategic partner for help.

Successful sales reps leverage their social networks prior to contacting prospects. Socially minded sales reps realize they may be one LinkedIn connection away from their best sales opportunity. They ask their network to edify them by making an introduction on their behalf which facilitates a rewarding experience on the phone.

I encourage all sales reps to think about this... If you provide a high level of service and your clients know, like and trust you then why not ask them to help grow your business?

"If you are not taking care of your customer, your competitor will"
Bob Hooey

Ignore the sales monkeys as they run amuck inside your sales department. Please don't allow them to become a distraction from achieving the phone success you deserve. The only thing worse than phone distraction is a sales monkey with a loaded gun.

I get where you all are coming from. I have walked a day in a life of your shoes.

Your comments, likes and shares are greatly appreciated in opening up great conversations.

In 2016, Larry was recognized by ENX Magazine, “The Difference Maker” as someone who is making a difference inside the copier channel. Larry is passionate about helping sales reps succeed in creating their online brand image

You can find more blog posts inside the Social Sales Academy website.

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform, coach and inspire B2B Office Technology Sales Professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and communicate on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy
