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What is a Simple Workflow That Can Benefit Attorneys? "Part V for Print Audit LAW"

About a week ago I reached out to my friends at Print Audit for some advise for a PA6 LAW installation that I was working on.  While speaking with Paul Giorgi at Print Audit, I stated that if we can automate paper based billing for copies and prints with software, then that's a workflow right? 

Thus, with PA6 we would be eliminating the countless hours that are required to capture the pages, and cost the appropriate pages to the correct billing account.  In addition, we can have PA6 automatically create a billing report for a specific day of each month.  Time is money right?

In recent visits to trial attorneys, I've found some pain that is centered around faxing.  That's the same thought I had, faxing?  I'll post more on the pain of fax with trial attorneys in my next workflow blog

Here's some information that I wasn't aware of:

According to the 2014 ILTA (International legal Technology Association) tech survey, respondents 82% of law firms in North America charge for copies. however only 42% of printing to MFP’s are charges and 35% of printing for local devices are charges and finally less than 1% of law firms charge for scanning. Now remember these numbers because it’s important. we know in law firms that copying has fallen by 42% but Print has increased by as much as 65%.

This means that usage and paper are not actually gone down in the legal sector. The workflow has shifted from copy to print and not as many Law firms try to recover printing costs.  For many of today’s law firms, printing remains an unnecessary cost center and traditional copt recovery applications for Print/Copy can be antiquated, and expensive to maintain.

Does this mean that law firms are moving to a flat disbursement fee?  The Ilta Survey also states that Less than 3% of law firms in North America have created a flat disbursement fee to cover office supplies like Print/Copy/Scan/Fax. For an office equipment salesperson, this is a great opportunity to discuss a bundled hardware & software program.   

Did you know the 5 tech purchases in 2015 for law firms were Laptops/notebooks, desktop hardware, network upgrades  printers/MFDs, antivirus/antispam software? and only 49% law firms who responded outsource their printer repair/maintenance (Managed Device Service).

Since law firms are looking to buy printers and MFP’s and want to outsource the maintenance of those devices to an expert, why not include a workflow tool like Print Audit 6 into your proposal and come up with a comprehensive solution where you the office equipment dealer manages the hardware and the software.

Geesh, the majority of law firms are charging for copying, however half of them are not charging for prints.  I'll bet if I asked. "Have you seen a reduction in the amount of copies you are billing clients?", I would get a big FAT yes!  I would also bet the law firm doesn't even know why that copy number has plummeted.  We do!  It's because the firms are printing more and not capturing those prints.  WoW, do we have a story to tell!

If you're an Attorney and you're reading this, you can access the Print Audit Law brochure here.

-=Good Selling=-

What is Business Workflow? "Part One"

Workflow is Nice and Provides a Ton of Business Benefits "Part II"

Optimize document-based company processes by defining clear rules with DocuWare Workflow Manager "Part III"

What is Unstructured Document Scanning? Workflow Part IV

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